KiwiSDR Discussion
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78 discussions 586 comments Most recent: Anyone in NZ have an MLA30+ they wish to offload? by smg on October 6
63 discussions 283 comments Most recent: Modifier la frequence dans l'extesion WSPR [fixed in v1.701] by jks on September 21
8 discussions 145 comments Most recent: Kiwi BBAI software installation instructions [updated 4-Mar-24] by jks on September 14
10 discussions 46 comments Most recent: Measuring oblique ionograms using KiwiSDRs by PZNWV on July 29
212 discussions 1.5K comments Most recent: Dragging band edge and losing the "handle" [fixed in v1.700] by Steve_MWC on October 4
88 discussions 413 comments Most recent: Business survival and the ethics of Open Source by G8JNJ on October 6