BeagleBoneGreen Wireless not working.

So, I have connected KiwiSDR2 with BBGW (the one with 4 USBs). To set it up - I have connected it to my windows laptop via USB cable. First bad thing is that it hijacks my wifi interface on windblows. But I can live with it. I was trying to enable the wlan0 so it could connect to my wifi router. the debian 11 image does not work for some reason. It starts, and if it doesnt get stuck, at a certain point turns the wlan green led on, then turns it off and lights blue one for bluetooth. and never turns on wlan led again.

So I bought the usb wireless adapter. the problem was that the kiwi and bbgw were working unstable - so I presumed that I needed to get more powerful 5v charger. got one with 5A. it works a bit better, but it does not get the onboard wifi adapter working. I tried with sdr unplugged and with a different debian version - and it works - so this image is cr4p for bbgw.

I set up wlan0 but the problems persist. I am unable either to at all ssh to the board or, when I manage, the says - no kiwis are detected. Does anyone else have these many problems, or know how to solve them?

I choose bbgw because of the 4 usb ports (I need one for external hdd, one for 4G modem for alternate connectivity and one for another device).


  • jksjks
    edited July 2024

    What? You're joking, right?

    There are multiple warnings in our documentation and on the forum that say the BBGW is physically incompatible with the Kiwi board. You simply cannot plug the Kiwi board into it because the 2x2 USB port connector stacks get in the way of the board. The Kiwi board won't fit! How did you even solve this problem? Did you use Beagle header socket extenders?

    For this reason we DO NOT support the BBGW. And there is no Kiwi distro image for it that properly supports its on-board wireless.

  • Hello

    You can check below steps-

    Power Supply: Ensure your 5A charger is stable.

    Debian Image: Try a different Debian version known to work with BBGW.

    WLAN Config: Double-check your wlan0 settings.

    Driver Issues: Check for errors using dmesg.

    USB Adapter: Ensure it's recognized with lsusb.

    Hopefully, these help!😊

  • @jks Of course that I am NOT an idiot. I am an engineer with almost 2 decades of experience and worked with SDRs for 12 years now. Had a bloody patent in radio/comm industry, so dont insult me. I would NEVER do an such an idiotic thing. BB and sdr are connected via cables. Pin connection has been checked.

    "For this reason we DO NOT support the BBGW. And there is no Kiwi distro image for it that properly supports its on-board wireless." - Why would that be a reason not to support it? with cables or extenders it is a BB as any other. In that case - why have you built support for AI and AI64? the kernels are, I presume a lot more different - but you were worried because of hardware compatibility? To quote you: "you're joking, right?".


    Thanks mate for the reply and trying to help.

    5A powersupply works fine.

    I tried, of course, deb 11, I've seen there was a deb 10 (if I am not mistaken) and if I remember correctly - deb 8 version that was supposed to work with BBG - but could not find link to download deb 8 and the link to deb 10 is broken (was showing 404 not found error)... If you have a working link - I would appreciate it.

    wlan is fine. I can connect to the network. I can even ping is still not finding the damn kiwi.

    didnt check dmesg - because I was going with the logic that this image is working with BBG-why should it have a problem with BBGW. I will check the messages.

    the usb wifi is obviously working since I can connect to network.

  • Here is the dmesg log.

    Looks like there are problems with driver checks, I am not familiar with how the code was written so I cannot help more. most of the warnings are related to wlcore - I believe that is why the onboard wireless is not working and I presume that SoftAp0 is the module regarding SDR and it also has some of the warnings. There is a dump and if someone wants to look into it - I will appreciate it.

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