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  • Periodically saving an image of the waterfall from the web interface (solved)

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    v1.800 does not have the admin page reload problem. v1.800 fixes that problem. I want to state this so people don't get the wrong idea and start complaining to me (this happens all the time when inaccurate information is posted on the forum).

    What you probably saw was the state of the sources in /root after a failed v1.8xx transition. When v1.7xx decides it needs to transition to v1.8xx a few things happen. Remember that it is running out of /usr/local/bin/kiwid and uses only the configuration files in /root/kiwi.config. So the state of the sources don't matter.

    The sources in /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS are removed to make disk space in case the filesystem is full. Which is why we are in this mess to begin with. Then the new KiwiSDR repo is git cloned. Then a build of v1.8xx is attempted. If the build fails for any reason the source files will look like it is on v1.8xx. But if you cd; cd KiwiSDR; ms the log will show it still running on the v1.7xx out of /usr/local/bin/kiwid because the build never finished and installed the v1.8xx version. And if the Kiwi restarts same thing.

  • SWBC Lookup / adding both http and https to the URL.

    Okay, I see what's wrong. Will be fixed in v1.801

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Today we're enabling an auto update to v1.711, and thereby on to v1.800, for Debian 8 Kiwi's with admin passwords starting with the letter "i" through "l". If this is successful the next update will be applied to all D8 systems.

    What's different with v1.711 is that it preemptively attempts to repair the Debian package system to lessen the chance of the build/update failing. This is based on the experience gained repairing D8 systems by hand over the last several days.

    This update will of course not affect systems already updated to v1.8xx.

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    The image you download to create an SD card for re-flashing a BBG/BBB-based Kiwi-1 or Kiwi-2 has been updated from Debian 11.9 to 11.11 and Kiwi software release v1.690 to v1.800.

    Full instructions here:

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Yes, this problem can occur anytime in the future a Kiwi first crosses the barrier between pre- and post-v1.8xx. That's the point at which the git repo rebase occurs. So going from v1.699 to v1.8xx qualifies (even if v1.800 itself is skipped).

    In your case it sounds like you have a Kiwi at a remote site with automatic updates turned off so you can more carefully control the update schedule (an entirely reasonable thing to do). It would be better if you just let me manually do the update to v1.800 now and save you any potential problems when you're next out there. Just set a temporary admin password and email it to and I'll be happy to do that.

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Okay, these 5 have been fixed. Others are in the queue.

    Anyone else, assuming your Kiwi has Internet access, email the link/URL and admin password to It can take a couple hours to fix the build depending on various factors.

    Some people have asked if they can try fixing this themselves. If you have ssh access to your Kiwi (NB: different from Kiwi admin access) you can try fixing it. Don't ask about the browser procedure to restore admin page access. It's complicated and I don't have time to walk people through it.

    Follow the instructions given in the first post of this thread.

  • Repairing KiwiSDR receiver after thunderstorm.

    Hello. KiwiSDR stopped working after the thunderstorm. The power supply goes into protection. There is a short circuit on the KiwiSDR power connector.

    The BeagleBone board also stopped working. Separately from the KiwiSDR, the BeagleBone shows no signs of life and the TPS65217C chip is very hot.

    The problem was not only in the failed transformer T301. The 5V power line had a resistance per mass of 5 ohms. 

    All linear stabilizers are out of order. Three pieces LP5907 and LMR10530Y. Moreover, the LMR10530Y was pierced through. That is, the 5V input was connected to the 1V output.

    For further diagnostics, the stabilizers were replaced with similar ones.

    KiwiSDR is working, but additional testing is required.

    I made a short video of this repair.

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Today we're going to try rebasing all Kiwis (except those running Debian 8) to v1.800.

    Please be patient. This is a long update as the file cache has to complete a one-time load which takes extra time if your Internet connection to happens to be slow.

    Debian 8 Kiwis will update to v1.710 which has no other changes except the version number change.

    If your non-Debian 8 Kiwi ends up running v1.710 that means the transition to v1.800 failed and I need to look at it.

    Starting with v1.801 we can resume with binary updates and get rid of these ridiculous update times.

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    v1.800 removes the /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS git clone subdirectory which had grown to anywhere between 500 and 1600 MB and replaces it with a new clone called KiwiSDR (current size 55 MB).

    And also a new directory /root/KiwiSDR.files updated from (i.e. not part of the Github clone) containing large static files (current size 88 MB).

    As a result the new KiwiSDR clone should grow much more slowly over time as it will mostly contain only source code changes and not historical copies of these huge binary files. So things now look roughly like this and there is now plenty of free filesystem space:

    root@kiwisdr:~# du

    4.0K build.log

    35M kiwi.config

    55M KiwiSDR // new git clone

    88M KiwiSDR.files // updated from

    104M build
