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  • v1.440: C-QUAM & channel queueing/camping

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.439,440 March 14, 2021

      Channel queuing and camping:

        When all the Kiwi channels are busy(*) it is now possible to enter a queue to wait

        for the next available channel. The queue is FIFO and multiple parties can

        occupy the queue (your queue order will be shown).


        If all channels are busy you can also now "camp" on an existing connection and

        hear the audio of that channel. The only adjustment is to change the audio volume.

        Otherwise you experience all the changes performed by the owner of the channel

        (tuning, mode, etc).


        You can also be in the queue waiting for your own channel while camping.

        It is possible to use camping even if free channels are available by connecting

        using the URL parameter "camp", e.g. my_kiwi:8073/?camp

        You might want to do this if you know there is already a connection you want to

        camp on, but there are also free channels you don't want to unnecessarily occupy.

        In theory camping requires only slightly more resources because the audio stream

        is simply being duplicated and sent to the camper's network connection.

        The Kiwi admin can configure the maximum number of campers allowed, including zero.


        Later on we can look at adding audio-related features to camping that only require

        browser/javascript resources, hence place no additional load on the Kiwi server

        (e.g. S-meter, recording, audio FFT waterfall/spectrum display).


        These changes are complex and will no doubt have bugs and corner cases to fix.


        (*) or unavailable due to password protection on those Kiwis that have split

        public/private channels.

      Added C-QUAM AM stereo mode to SAM mode button which now cycles as: SAM/SAL/SAU/SAS/QAM

        Based on the work of Github user MaPePeR, see:

        Remember that alt-click will toggle the mode buttons backwards, e.g.

        alt-click on SAM wraps back to QAM (faster than clicking forward on SAM 4 times).

        The same applies to the keyboard shortcut: shift-A is SAM mode forward to SAL

        alt-shift-A is SAM backward to QAM.


      Apply ITU region selection to band display (e.g. 40m ham band now stops at 7.2M for R1)

        It is possible this change will cause problems if extensive customization of

        the kiwi.config/config.js file has been made by the user. Please let us know if

        this happens to you.

  • v1.352: new time station extension (timecode decoder)

    v1.433 February 12, 2021

      Timecode extension improvements:

        Support for JJY(Japan), RBU(Moscow), RTZ(Irkutsk), BPC(China) added.

        While running AGC delay is temporarily increased to improve noise immunity.

  • RSDN-20 beacons reactivated on 11.9, 12.65 & 14.9KHz

    Feb 2021: Alpha "Khabarovsk" (nearest town Elban) as received from the Kiwi in Khabarovsk about 200 km distant. MSK signals VTX3 India and NWC Australia also present.

  • New KiwiSDR forum: differences and features

    Okay, after way too much effort I think attachment links are working again. There were 584 such attachments in the database and I have been spot checking the comments containing them. If you notice anything amiss please let me know.

  • Two deaths in the family

    Both issues, "cable brownout" and lab-grade power supply voltage drop due to current limiting, have happened to me personally and were totally unexpected at the time. That's why they are documented:
