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  • Default colormap [added in v1.414]

    Okay, added in today's v1.414 release.
  • Obtaining date/time from the Kiwi's GPS [fixed in v1.417]

    v1.410,411  October 7, 2020
        GPS time-of-day (TOD) correction now works even if the Kiwi date is set incorrectly.
            Previously the Kiwi week day number had to match GPS for TOD correction to work.
            The GPS code currently does not know how to set the Kiwi date because it does
            not parse the GPS almanac.
  • Obtaining date/time from the Kiwi's GPS [fixed in v1.417]

    v1.410,411  October 7, 2020
        GPS time-of-day (TOD) correction now works even if the Kiwi date is set incorrectly.
            Previously the Kiwi week day number had to match GPS for TOD correction to work.
            The GPS code currently does not know how to set the Kiwi date because it does
            not parse the GPS almanac.
  • v1.403: colormap improvements, multiple DRM schedule databases

    Alright, something has come up and I'm not going to have time to work on the problems with aperture auto mode for a while. So in today's update I've added an "initial aperture" setting to the admin page config tab:
    v1.409  October 3, 2020
        Added "Initial aperture" setting to admin page config tab. This setting determines
        which waterfall colormap aperture mode, manual or auto, is used as the default for
        "first time" visitors to your Kiwi. More precisely, for any connection to your Kiwi
        where the "last aperture set" cookie has not been previously set ("first time"
        visitors are a subset of that definition).    
  • v1.403: colormap improvements, multiple DRM schedule databases

    Alright, something has come up and I'm not going to have time to work on the problems with aperture auto mode for a while. So in today's update I've added an "initial aperture" setting to the admin page config tab:
    v1.409  October 3, 2020
        Added "Initial aperture" setting to admin page config tab. This setting determines
        which waterfall colormap aperture mode, manual or auto, is used as the default for
        "first time" visitors to your Kiwi. More precisely, for any connection to your Kiwi
        where the "last aperture set" cookie has not been previously set ("first time"
        visitors are a subset of that definition).    