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  • v1.443: automatic SNR measurement, queue/camp panel reload button, misc fixes

    v1.449 April 3, 2021

      SNR measurement adjustments on admin page control tab:

        Adjust recording interval: 1, 4, 6 or 24 hours per measurement.

          One week's worth of data is retained in the rolling buffer.

          New JSON field "seq" (incrementing) to help identify most recent entry.

        In addition to existing frequency measurement intervals 0-1800 and 1800-max kHz

          added 0-1800, 1800-10000 10000-20000 and 20000-max

          These are similar to what Marco uses (

        Selectable local/UTC timestamp.

  • About Python KiwiClient [Kiwi API question]

    The Kiwi protocol requires the client to send "keep alive" messages at least once every 60 seconds. Otherwise it is assumed the client (Javascript in the browser usually) isn't really running even if the web socket connection is still open for some reason. This had to be done in order to prevent connections from remaining open for long periods of time even through no one was really there. If no keep alive is received the connection is closed.

    I don't know if it helps, but I was able to make web socket connections and send Kiwi commands and receive Kiwi sound and waterfall binary data using a program called websocat (web socket concatenate). See: There are binaries available for Windows, Linux and Mac and I was able to run the Mac one without problems.

    So, to connect to a Kiwi and get sound data do something like this from the Mac command line:

    cat | websocat_mac -n ws://my_kiwi:8073/12345678/SND

    Where my_kiwi is the name of the Kiwi and the file contains these commands to send to the Kiwi:

    SET auth t=kiwi p=

    SET AR OK in=12000 out=44100

    SET squelch=0 max=0

    SET genattn=0

    SET gen=0 mix=-1


    SET mod=am low_cut=-5000 high_cut=5000 freq=7550.000

    SET agc=1 hang=0 thresh=-100 slope=6 decay=1000 manGain=50

    SET keepalive

    12345678 is a number and needs to be unique for each connection (hence a timestamp in msec). The websocat -n argument keeps the connection to the Kiwi open after all the commands in the file are sent. But note the connection will still close because additional SET keepalive commands are not being periodically sent.

    What you will receive from the Kiwi will be a combination of messages and data looking something like this:

    MSG client_public_ip=[your public ip address as seen by the Kiwi]

    MSG rx_chans=4

    MSG chan_no_pwd=0

    MSG chan_no_pwd_true=0

    MSG is_local=0,1

    MSG max_camp=4

    MSG badp=0

    MSG version_maj=1 version_min=447

    MSG load_cfg= (large amount of configuration data omitted)

    MSG center_freq=15000000 bandwidth=30000000 adc_clk_nom=66666600

    MSG audio_init=1 audio_rate=12000 sample_rate=12001.062106

    MSG stats_cb={"ct":4633,"ce":0,"cf":1000,"cc":0,"cu":[51],"cs":[49],"ci":[0],"ac":0,"wc":0,"fc":0,"ah":0,"as":0,"sr":12001.062106,"ga":0,"gt":0,"gg":0,"gf":0,"gc":66.665900,"go":0,"gr":"RF82ci","ad":0,"au":0,"ae":0,"ar":0,"an":4,"an2":32,"ap":[0,7439,0,0],"ai":[0,2121,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"sa":9,"sh":9,"tu":"04:04","tl":"17:04","ti":"NZDT","tn":"Pacific%5c%2fAuckland"}

    SND [binary sound data]

    SND [binary sound data]


    You can do something similar for the waterfall with the command line:

    cat | websocat_mac -n ws://my_kiwi:8073/12345678/W/F

    And the file:

    SET auth t=kiwi p=

    SET zoom=0 cf=7550.000000

    SET maxdb=-10 mindb=-110

    SET wf_comp=0

    SET wf_speed=1


    SET keepalive

    And you'll receive the waterfall data:

    MSG rx_chans=4

    MSG chan_no_pwd=0

    MSG chan_no_pwd_true=0

    MSG max_camp=4

    MSG badp=0

    MSG version_maj=1 version_min=447

    MSG center_freq=15000000 bandwidth=30000000 adc_clk_nom=66666600

    MSG kiwi_up=1 rx_chan=0

    MSG extint_list_json=%5b%22colormap%22,%22cw_decoder%22,%22devl%22,%22DRM%22,%22fax%22,%22FFT%22,%22fsk%22,%22IBP_scan%22,%22iframe%22,%22iq_display%22,%22loran_c%22,%22navtex%22,%22noise_blank%22,%22noise_filter%22,%22sig_gen%22,%22S_meter%22,%22SSTV%22,%22TDoA%22,%22timecode%22,%22wspr%22%5d

    MSG wf_fft_size=1024 wf_fps=23 wf_fps_max=23 zoom_max=14 rx_chans=4 wf_chans=4 wf_chans_real=4 wf_setup

    MSG zoom=0 start=0

    MSG wf_fps=1

    MSG request_dx_update

    W/F [binary waterfall data]

    W/F [binary waterfall data]


    This discussion is not complete because we need to talk about the parameters for the various SET commands and also the content of the returned binary data. These details are all handled by the kiwiclient / kiwirecorder Python code and that's why you should really try and make an effort to understand it.

  • v1.446/445/444

    From the CHANGE_LOG file. Not a lot new here. Except for days of tedious checking for memory errors (buffer overruns) and memory leaks to rule out a possible cause of the Windows 10 audio problems.

    v1.446 March 28, 2021

      WSPR extension:

        By request: Added 6 & 13 MHz ISM bands (UK balloon-mobile operation).

        Can restart autorun decoders via an admin page button instead of server restart.


      Windows 10 audio "popping" problem:

        Looked for memory addressing errors and leaks with the Clang address sanitizer.

        A few minor issues fixed but nothing that changes the audio problem.

        This was expected, but also had to be ruled out.

    v1.445 March 24, 2021

      SNR measurement:

        Take transverter frequency offset into account.

        Display SNR value(s) on user (top bar) and admin pages (status tab).

      Added SAM PLL loop control to audio tab.

        Has a slow loop setting "DX" that can be used to better track weak stations.

    v1.444 March 23, 2021

      Include two most recent SNR values in /status query. This implies all the SNR values

        for public Kiwis will be aggregated in the file

        HTML comments.


      TDoA extension:

        Improved help panel contents.

        Added warning against prematurely using too many sampling stations because of

          the large number of computation timeouts we see on the server.

  • v1.443: automatic SNR measurement, queue/camp panel reload button, misc fixes

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.443 March 22, 2021

      Added automatic SNR measurement:

        Every 6 hours (4 times daily) a Kiwi will connect to a free channel (if available)

        and measure its own SNR. These results are available in JSON format from the

        URL: my_kiwi:8073/snr (adjust Kiwi name and port number as required).

        This URL is publicly accesible. Disable on the admin page, control tab if you

        don't want to share this information.


        The measurement details can be easily changed. Suggestions welcome.

        SNR is currently defined in the same way as used by the sites

        and, i.e. waterfall dBm values, sorted, noise = 50th percentile

        value (median), signal = 95th percentile value, SNR = signal - noise.

        Two measurement bands are recorded: 0-30 MHz and 1.8-30 MHz in an attempt to

        filter out the AM BCB. The JSON data also contains min/max dBm values and a

        timestamp (local time unless the "UTC" value is set).


      Added "reload page" button to queueing panel ("camp" parameter is removed from URL)

        Use to quickly access any Kiwi redirection that might be available.

      Autoscale button and aperture auto mode now disregard masked areas from calculations.

      Admin page UI changes:

        GPS RSSI now red color for sats not actually acquired (i.e. no subframe decoding)

        Registration now requires a valid location field (for benefit of

  • v1.441: camping fixes, AGC CW threshold, audio FFT extension fixes, misc fixes

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.441 March 15, 2021

      Audio camping bug fixes:

        URL redirect now respects URL camp parameter. More work needed for other cases.

        Audio now plays on Safari.


      Added separate CW AGC threshold control.

        Typically a lower AGC threshold is required for very narrow passband settings to

        avoid low sensitivity. Since narrow passbands are most often associated with the

        CW/CWN modes it was decided to add a separate AGC threshold control active only in

        those modes. The original threshold control applies to all other modes.

        The two are stored in their own separate browser cookies.


      Fixed bugs in the Audio FFT display (the one that appears in 8-channel mode when more

      than two channels are busy, or if the URL "no_wf" parameter is given):

        The LSB passband is drawn in the same place as the actual FTT output.

        The FFT display bins were flipped to be correct (i.e. low vs high frequency).

        Autoscale mode works better than before.


      Disabled compression ("comp") button in DRM/SAS/QAM modes since it has no meaning

        and effect in these modes.

      Fixed shift-click in SWBC bands not selecting nearest 5 kHz boundary.

      Fix long audio latency on browsers that display "Click to start OpenWebRX" overlay.
