RSDN-20 beacons reactivated on 11.9, 12.65 & 14.9KHz
Hi All,
The Russian RSDN-20 beacons on 11.9, 12.65 & 14.9KHz are active once again after quite a long absence.
They must have found some more coins for the electricity meter down the back of their sofa.
Signals are about 8-10dB above the noise floor on my Kernow KiWi SDR in the SW of the UK.
If you use this URL it will provide enhanced contrast on the waterfall display.
The signal on 14.9KHz seems to have a second weaker transmission slotted in between the stronger 'pips', which you can just about see in the screen grab.

Martin - G8JNJ
The Russian RSDN-20 beacons on 11.9, 12.65 & 14.9KHz are active once again after quite a long absence.
They must have found some more coins for the electricity meter down the back of their sofa.
Signals are about 8-10dB above the noise floor on my Kernow KiWi SDR in the SW of the UK.
If you use this URL it will provide enhanced contrast on the waterfall display.
The signal on 14.9KHz seems to have a second weaker transmission slotted in between the stronger 'pips', which you can just about see in the screen grab.

Martin - G8JNJ
Mauritz / SM2BYC
Neither of my Kiwis can see the Alpha transmissions, even when integrating. I've a little bit of RFI down low on the antenna that I would have expected to hear this signal on so no SNR to work with, and the other I would suspect has PSU interference exactly in line with the transmissions, which I'll fix tomorrow with a PSU swap.
Nice to see that there are SDR antennas out there that are definitely sensitive enough at that low a frequency to show clearly on the Kiwi. Wellbrook loops and Bonito hardware seem to be doing better for whatever reason. Maybe those with that kind of an investment in the hardware take a bit more care to get as much as possible from it?
Feb 2021: Alpha "Khabarovsk" (nearest town Elban) as received from the Kiwi in Khabarovsk about 200 km distant. MSK signals VTX3 India and NWC Australia also present.
A properly grounded mini whip also works, mine hangs on a fiberglass telescope 15m from the ground and over 5 from the roof.
Now also a fourth Alfa transmitter is active. Guess it is the Revda transmitter site located about 500 km from my location.
/ Mauritz
Wow, thanks for that Mauritz. I have never personally seen Revda or Seyda operating. Thanks also for building a Kiwi installation with such a diverse selection of antennas.
Not documented, but you can click on the integration display and the integration will be restarted such that the click-point is at the top of the display. Similar to how you can click in the FAX window to do a horizontal image-shift alignment. Here it is aligned slot 1-6, top to bottom, and indeed it matches the data in the control panel for Revda. Only Seyda is missing here.