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  • v1.702 binary updates

    You can try it. But you need to be prepared to ssh into the Kiwi and restore the binary file (or rebuild from source) if installing the binary manually happens to leave the Kiwi server bricked due to some incompatibility. This is essentially what I'm going to do next to start exploring what those issues are.

    So from the admin console tab you can do:

    dog (make sure it says you're running Debian 11)

    cd /usr/local/bin

    cp kiwid kiwid.save


    cp bin/kiwid_v1.702_D11.9_BBG_BBB.bin /usr/local/bin/kiwid

    And then use the restart button on the control tab.

  • Question about using EXT CLK instead of GPS

    You can use your own ref clock. But it needs to be a frequency that's compatible with the Kiwi's ADC clock, e.g. 66.6xxx MHz. Not a 10 MHz house reference.

    Lots of people program a 66.672 MHz output from a Bodnar GPSDO to feed the EXT CLK input. That gives a precise 12 kHz audio sample rate which some people require. Settings for external clock setup are on the admin page, config tab. Including the setting where you disable the Kiwi's GPS clock correction (which makes no sense to enable for almost all external clock situations).

    With Kiwi-2 the self test output function is just an additional feature for that connector.

  • In some cases Debian 8 is no longer able to update from Github.com

    Please read this post if you see the error message "Git clone damaged!" as the result of using the "check now" button on the admin update tab. Or if this error appears in the admin log tab when the Kiwi tries to do an update. Or if in general your updates are failing to complete.

    With increasing frequency we've seen some Kiwis running Debian 8 unable to update. The step that copies files from Github.com fails. This problems seems to occur with slower Internet connections. And by that I don't mean a slow "last mile" connection but a slow data transfer path between the Kiwi and whatever Github.com mirror server you happen to end up with when updating.

    This problem started in Europe but has now spread to the USA. Even people with 50 Mbps fiber connections see it if their transfer speeds to the Github mirror during the update is less than roughly 1 MB/s (8 Mbps). Google offers many suggestions on various git/cURL parameters to change to prevent these problems. And for a while these worked and we incorporated them into the latest releases. But now even those don't seem to work anymore.

    If your clone is legitimately damaged then on the admin console tab you can try the "re-clone sources" button. But if that fails then you probably have this transfer fail issue.

    Re-flashing your Kiwi with the Debian 11 Kiwi image seems to solve the problem. Why this is true is unknown. The problem is that creating a microSD card with the image to re-flash with is not trivial. And you will lose all of your customizations unless you follow a more complicated procedure to move them from the Debian 8 environment to Debian 11.

    Here are your options:

    • You haven't made changes to the dx labels you care about and don't mind re-entering all the admin page customizations. That is, you don't care about saving any of the configuration on your Debian 8 based system. In that case just create an SD card with the Kiwi Debian 11 image and re-flash your Kiwi as described here: http://kiwisdr.com/info/#id-net-reflash
    • The above instructions mention that if you are unable to make the procedure work then as a last resort we can send you a microSD card through the mail. But please only ask us for this as a last resort.
    • If you only care about saving changes you've made to the dx labels then save them first by using the "export" function on the admin dx tab to download a JSON or CSV file to your computer running the browser. You can "import" them later once you're running Debian 11.
    • To save the full admin configuration, including dx labels, follow the more complicated procedure described in this post: https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/3096/debian-11-upgrade-for-kiwis-using-beaglebone-green-black/p1

  • Kiwi BBAI software installation instructions [updated 4-Mar-24]

    It's on the list. But low priority. Because I have to go through Beagle device-tree hell to make it work.

  • Dragging band edge and losing the "handle" [fixed in v1.700]

    After looking at this in more detail (after the other post complaining about the exact same thing).

    What you describe above should not be happening. Once you mouse-down on the passband edges to adjust the passband width the edges should track as long as the cursor stays anywhere in the entire grey frequency scale area. That means the upper part, where the passband symbol is. And the lower part, where the frequency ticks and numbers are.

    The edge tracking will stop, and the entire passband will move, if the mouse moves into the area above (i.e. dx labels, top bar or spectrum) or below (waterfall). This is what I've been meaning to fix. When you adjust the entire passband and move into these areas the passband movement continues because there is code to handler this special case. There needs to be something similar for PB edge adjustment.

    If you know of a Kiwi that does what you claim (stops tracking below the lower red line) I would like to see that myself because I need to understand why that is. I tried a bunch of public Kiwis running different versions and it never happened.
