
From the CHANGE_LOG file:

v1.683 May 30, 2024

  Antenna switch: Fixed problems with Arduino Netshield backend script. (thanks N8OOU)

  CAT interface: Removed newline characters (\r\n) from end of each transmitted CAT string

  because it was reported to cause problems with some CAT software. (thanks DF6DBF)


  DX community database: UNID FSK signal at 61.84 is Inskip GBR. (thanks HB9TMC)

  Added entries to satellite table for Galileo gsat0227 and gsat0225 launched 2024-04-28 and

  currently under commissioning. (thanks F4FPR)

  We have now formally purchased a license to use the Kiwi logo from Hayes Roberts at

  bluebison.net. Previously we had an informal agreement with Hayes where he allowed us to use

  the logo provided we always included the domain text "bluebison.net" wherever the logo was used.

  By purchasing a licence we can now remove the text and make uses of the logo look a bit cleaner.

  Big thanks to Hayes for giving the KiwiSDR its logo identity recognized by SDR enthusiasts

  around the world.



  • I hope that the licence for the logo did not cost you much, because that was one of the superficial things that Kiwi needs to improve on. I prefer a modern and clean logo design.

  • Where's Rodney Dangerfield when we really need him?

  • I don't mind the current Kiwi logo. It has brand recognition now.

    I did stick a pair of Sony studio cans on the Kiwi on mine...just because, why not...

  • edited May 2024

    How did you replace the logo? @nitroengine

  • What are you talking about? There is going to be no logo replacement except for dropping the text.

  • edited May 2024

    @Yogicat Have a look here: https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/2444/christmas-kiwi/p1. The logo doesn't get replaced, just overlaid with another image. In my case as shown above, with a pair of Sony headphones. In the past, I've also stuck a set of New Years glasses on the Kiwi as well as that Santa hat.

    Just fun stuff. I wouldn't attempt to replace the logo entirely.

    If you want to add your own "logo", you could insert a small image in the "Owner info" box under the "Web page" tab using HTML. That will show up in the center of the top bar.

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