stupid gps question/idea [good idea actually: 10 MHz ref output]

edited June 2024 in Feature requests

Would a fella be able to somehow use the GPS clock reference on the kiwi to create a 10MHz reference for my shack? Kind of as a pseudo GPSDO. I see the KiwiSDR2 has a 3rd SMA connector for "self-test loopback output and ext clk input", wondering how configurable is it, what else could be outputted on this port?

I have an old HP GPS time standard in my shack but it's annoyingly warm and draws a lot of power, and due to it's age it's limited in function. The kiwi is running with GPS all the time anyways so I figure it would be neat if two birds could get stoned at once.



  • jksjks
    edited May 2024

    The answer to your (very good) question is "no" for Kiwi-2. But definitely "yes" for future products.

    I have an old hp z3801a and I don't run it either due to the power consumption, lol. On the other hand, double ovens are a wonderful invention.

  • AH Well that's good news, Thank You!

    The Z3801 is what I have also. I bought it on a whim, and while its of course excellent as a 10MHz reference, it's not quite up to modern tasks. Like It knows what time it is but the outdated firmware thinks it's 2002... which I guess doesn't matter because you can't easily get data out of it anyways, then of course the crazy the power requirements.

    I got my hands on the Kiwi a few days ago and now that I know what it's all about, I was thinking it would be perfect for the task... seeing the 3rd port on the Kiwi2 gave me hope, but I look forward to future iterations :)

    I assume there's enough meat left on the (beagle)bone to run an instance of GPSD/NTPD for a homelab/network, but I have yet to investigate how to access the GPS from other apps if it's possible.

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