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  • v1.683

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.683 May 30, 2024

      Antenna switch: Fixed problems with Arduino Netshield backend script. (thanks N8OOU)

      CAT interface: Removed newline characters (\r\n) from end of each transmitted CAT string

      because it was reported to cause problems with some CAT software. (thanks DF6DBF)


      DX community database: UNID FSK signal at 61.84 is Inskip GBR. (thanks HB9TMC)

      Added entries to satellite table for Galileo gsat0227 and gsat0225 launched 2024-04-28 and

      currently under commissioning. (thanks F4FPR)

      We have now formally purchased a license to use the Kiwi logo from Hayes Roberts at Previously we had an informal agreement with Hayes where he allowed us to use

      the logo provided we always included the domain text "" wherever the logo was used.

      By purchasing a licence we can now remove the text and make uses of the logo look a bit cleaner.

      Big thanks to Hayes for giving the KiwiSDR its logo identity recognized by SDR enthusiasts

      around the world.

  • 8-10dBm drop in signals after update from v1.601 to v1.675 [fixed in v1.679]

    😕 Knowing that, I developed and tested a fix for this problem in about 10 minutes. Fix will be in the next release..

  • Software defined lighning detector?

    Christoph has done work with piecing together (relatively) wideband output from the Kiwi to measure ionogram chirps:

  • Hackers be hacking..

    Okay, added to blacklist. Thanks.

  • v1.677

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.677 May 5, 2024

      Click-hold the frequency step buttons "- - - + + +" for auto repeat.

      Fixed various issues with auto aperture mode:

        When the waterfall was panned or scrolled too many requests to adjust the aperture piled up.

        If the strongest signals were fading significantly this caused the noise floor displayed to

        bounce up and down unnecessarily. Now the aperture should adjust only once per pan/zoom.


        To help keep the noise floor displayed in a darker colormap color capped the WF min/max

        delta to >= 50 dB.


        Added a second auto-scale button (when aperture averaging mode is "off") so you don't

        have to scroll up to get to the usual auto-scale button at the top of the WF tab.


      Fixed frequency undo/redo (i.e. typing shift-return). Didn't work properly in 10 Hz

      frequency display mode.


      Improved wording of password-related messages in the log when a user connects.

      Added shell alias "cl" for cleaning (reducing size of) the Debian system logs.

      Same as "clean logs" button in admin console tab.
