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  • v1.801

    The next release will support multiple iframe definitions so you can have several custom entries in the extension menu.

    So I'd like to start a collection of iframe URLs that people have found and setup on their Kiwi's. We have the default SK6AW spot list now. And I'm aware of the Blitzortung.org lightning map that the VK3KHZ Kiwi's have. Someone must have one for solar conditions, right?

    Please drop a link below to a Kiwi that has an interesting iframe. Or email to support@kiwisdr.com


  • Save SSTV image [added in v1.801]

    Found a trivial way to do it. So will be part of the v1.801 release.

  • SWBC Lookup / adding both http and https to the URL. [fixed in v1.801]

    Okay, I see what's wrong. Will be fixed in v1.801

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Okay, these 5 have been fixed. Others are in the queue.

    Anyone else, assuming your Kiwi has Internet access, email the link/URL and admin password to support@kiwisdr.com. It can take a couple hours to fix the build depending on various factors.

    Some people have asked if they can try fixing this themselves. If you have ssh access to your Kiwi (NB: different from Kiwi admin access) you can try fixing it. Don't ask about the browser procedure to restore admin page access. It's complicated and I don't have time to walk people through it.

    Follow the instructions given in the first post of this thread.

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Today we're enabling an auto update to v1.711, and thereby on to v1.800, for Debian 8 Kiwi's with admin passwords starting with the letter "i" through "l". If this is successful the next update will be applied to all D8 systems.

    What's different with v1.711 is that it preemptively attempts to repair the Debian package system to lessen the chance of the build/update failing. This is based on the experience gained repairing D8 systems by hand over the last several days.

    This update will of course not affect systems already updated to v1.8xx.

  • Admin connections reloading/crashing? Read here! (v1.708,709,710 => v1.800)

    Today we're going to try rebasing all Kiwis (except those running Debian 8) to v1.800.

    Please be patient. This is a long update as the file cache has to complete a one-time load which takes extra time if your Internet connection to kiwisdr.com happens to be slow.

    Debian 8 Kiwis will update to v1.710 which has no other changes except the version number change.

    If your non-Debian 8 Kiwi ends up running v1.710 that means the transition to v1.800 failed and I need to look at it.

    Starting with v1.801 we can resume with binary updates and get rid of these ridiculous update times.

  • Kiwisdr1 doesn’t boot up (solved)

    This appears to mean a problem in the FPGA initializing process

    No, that's not what LED #1 double-flashing every second means. That is the standard Debian/Linux heartbeat pattern, i.e. what Debian shows before the Kiwi software starts running (or fails to start). This should be clearly described in the operating info: http://kiwisdr.com/info/#id-leds

    I haven't even released v1.696 yet that implements the new LED pattern that indicates FPGA initialization failure: http://kiwisdr.com/info/#id-fpga (update: v1.696 has been released).

    Glad it's running again for you though.

  • v1.702 binary updates

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.702 October 23, 2024

      Binary updates:

        After this release is installed Kiwis become eligible to receive binary updates.

        That is, a full recompile from source code will not be required each time an update occurs.

        So an update should take a few minutes instead of 20-30.


        This will only occur if a binary file in the bin/ directory exists with the correct

        Debian version number (e.g. 8.5, 11.9) and platform name (e.g. BBG_BBB, BBAI, BBAI_64).

        For example, bin/kiwid_v1.702_D11.9_BBG_BBB.bin will be copied to /usr/local/bin/kiwid

        if validated. Otherwise recompilation from source will occur as a fallback.


        As a first test, for this release binaries will be installed for the default Kiwi-2

        configuration: Debian 11.9 and BBG/BBB. This will also apply to BBG/BBB-based Kiwi-1s that

        run D11.9. Setups with other characteristics will build from sources as usual.

      In the frequency entry field fixed "set waterfall frequency" notation, e.g. #7020

      Type the "H" key (capital H) for more information about "#". (thanks stan)


      FSK extension:

        Added 50 Hz to shift menu.

        Added HFGCC VLF freqs to DX community database.

          (thanks NEET INTEL via x.com/neetintel/status/1837600716644389113)

      Admin page:

        Update tab: Don't update after a restart, wait for overnight update window.

          Only applies to default set by first time software installs, i.e. won't disturb any

          manual change you may have made. (requested by KiwiSDR NZ manufacturing team)

        DX tab: Fixed missing entry in "Default DX label database" menu. (thanks ukoda)

  • In some cases Debian 8 is no longer able to update from Github.com

    Please read this post if you see the error message "Git clone damaged!" as the result of using the "check now" button on the admin update tab. Or if this error appears in the admin log tab when the Kiwi tries to do an update. Or if in general your updates are failing to complete.

    With increasing frequency we've seen some Kiwis running Debian 8 unable to update. The step that copies files from Github.com fails. This problems seems to occur with slower Internet connections. And by that I don't mean a slow "last mile" connection but a slow data transfer path between the Kiwi and whatever Github.com mirror server you happen to end up with when updating.

    This problem started in Europe but has now spread to the USA. Even people with 50 Mbps fiber connections see it if their transfer speeds to the Github mirror during the update is less than roughly 1 MB/s (8 Mbps). Google offers many suggestions on various git/cURL parameters to change to prevent these problems. And for a while these worked and we incorporated them into the latest releases. But now even those don't seem to work anymore.

    If your clone is legitimately damaged then on the admin console tab you can try the "re-clone sources" button. But if that fails then you probably have this transfer fail issue.

    Re-flashing your Kiwi with the Debian 11 Kiwi image seems to solve the problem. Why this is true is unknown. The problem is that creating a microSD card with the image to re-flash with is not trivial. And you will lose all of your customizations unless you follow a more complicated procedure to move them from the Debian 8 environment to Debian 11.

    Here are your options:

    • You haven't made changes to the dx labels you care about and don't mind re-entering all the admin page customizations. That is, you don't care about saving any of the configuration on your Debian 8 based system. In that case just create an SD card with the Kiwi Debian 11 image and re-flash your Kiwi as described here: http://kiwisdr.com/info/#id-net-reflash
    • The above instructions mention that if you are unable to make the procedure work then as a last resort we can send you a microSD card through the mail. But please only ask us for this as a last resort.
    • If you only care about saving changes you've made to the dx labels then save them first by using the "export" function on the admin dx tab to download a JSON or CSV file to your computer running the browser. You can "import" them later once you're running Debian 11.
    • To save the full admin configuration, including dx labels, follow the more complicated procedure described in this post: https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/3096/debian-11-upgrade-for-kiwis-using-beaglebone-green-black/p1

  • Quiet switch mode power supply (SMPS) for KiwiSDR

    It's a real shame our efforts to place a T1-1 on the Kiwi-2 failed (it made matters worse for reasons that were never fully understood, but no doubt due to the cramped conditions on the board). But you can bet a T1-1, and more, will be present on Kiwi-3 where there will not be the space constraints.
