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Command MU

What file is Read to list users that have connected to my KiwiSdr ?
I would like to save the file to my HDD.


  • jksjks
    edited November 2020
    mu is an alias for make users And doing make -n users reveals that it does a:
    zcat /var/log/user.log.4.gz > /tmp/kiwi.log;
    zcat /var/log/user.log.3.gz >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    zcat /var/log/user.log.2.gz >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    cat /var/log/user.log.1 >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    cat /var/log/user.log >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    cat /tmp/kiwi.log | grep -i leaving | grep -vi kf6vo | grep -vi 192.168.1
    rm -f /tmp/kiwi.log
    So /var/log/user.* are the log files you'd want to search and copy information from. As usual with Unix there are a dozen different ways of doing this sort of thing depending on the result you want.
  • Thank you for so much help, Sir!


    zcat /var/log/user.log.4.gz > /tmp/kiwi.log;

    zcat /var/log/user.log.3.gz >> /tmp/kiwi.log;

    zcat /var/log/user.log.2.gz >> /tmp/kiwi.log;

    cat /var/log/user.log.1 >> /tmp/kiwi.log;

    cat /var/log/user.log >> /tmp/kiwi.log;

    Show everything that has 'leaving' in the line        grep -i leaving

    Don't Show anything that has 'kf6vo' in the line       grep -vi kf6vo 

    Don't Show anything that has '192.168.254.*' in the line   grep -vi 192.168.254.*

    IE. My Local Intranet address's of my computers that I use to access my Kiwisdr

    Don't Show anything that has '' in the line     grep -vi

    cat /tmp/kiwi.log | grep -i leaving | grep -vi kf6vo | grep -vi 192.168.254.* | grep -vi

    Delete User List:

    rm -f /tmp/kiwi.log

  • I know how to see the users that use my KiwiSDR receiver.

    How do I see The WSPR Results? Like the received WSPR stations and the Distance away, and concert to Miles so I can see Miles and Kilometers?

    Thank You......

  • edited January 2023

    Look at for your spots and many other insights.

  • OK, Thanks......

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