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  • Private use of a KiwiSDR receiver in France

    Alright. After a barrage of emails I've implemented a new checkbox on the admin config tab that says "Show user names to user connections" The default is checked (i.e. yes, show the user names). It will be available in the next release.

    No matter the setting the user names will continue to be shown on the admin users tab, admin log tab etc. This setting compliments the existing checkboxes controlling whether geolocation information is shown and if the geolocated city is shown.

    And this is all independent of whether a user name is demanded at all as set by the checkbox on the admin control tab.

    There is currently a bug where certain non-ASCII, non-UTF8 user names formed by using the Kiwi API directly causes the admin users tab to disappear even though it should have valid entries. Fix coming in the next release.

  • Private use of a KiwiSDR receiver in France

    Well, none of this is really new. It's just operating in the modern context of SDRs and the Internet.

    Hams have been "bootlegging" callsigns for nearly 100 years. Pirates have always existed.

    Most countries technically have regulations allowing radio monitoring for personal use, but prohibiting "retransmission". But the precise interpretation of those terms for HF are vague at best given the border-crossing nature of HF. And HF is mostly uninteresting to everyone except us anyway.

    Much more applicable to VHF/UHF short-range communication services that might be impacted by retransmission. Although encryption in recent times has made that point mostly moot.

    To your last point: I don't think it makes any sense to be including, on a public list, any Kiwi that requires a password likely to be unknown by 99% of the users connecting. That makes its inclusion completely worthless. Perhaps a separate area listing "private" access Kiwis? But that doesn't seem worth the effort.

  • KiwiSDR 2 production status

    No. Didn't want to make things quite so easy for China.

  • KiwiSDR 2 production status

    We've received another run of boards. Assembly, programming and test are in progress.

    One issue is that a huge quantity of the enclosures we had shipped by cargo container instead of air freight. But due to bad weather the container was delayed. So the finished units won't ship until later this month (June).

  • v1.683

    Where's Rodney Dangerfield when we really need him?

  • CAT Interface - unwanted Chars [fixed]

    Okay, I can take out the newline chars in the next release. If it breaks any other programs then I can add an option to include the newline or not.

  • stupid gps question/idea [good idea actually: 10 MHz ref output]

    The answer to your (very good) question is "no" for Kiwi-2. But definitely "yes" for future products.

    I have an old hp z3801a and I don't run it either due to the power consumption, lol. On the other hand, double ovens are a wonderful invention.

  • Large masked band segments

    Although I think public Kiwis with ham-band-only frequency masking is kind of annoying, I've had several requests to make this easier to setup. So in the documentation describing the feature there is a .json or .csv file you can use with the admin/DX tab "Import JSON/CSV" button to do so: http://kiwisdr.com/quickstart/index.html#id-user-marker-masked

  • v1.682

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:

    v1.682 May 19, 2024

      Fixed problem that prevented the new ipset+iptables blacklist filtering from actually working.

      Filtering was occurring (less efficiently) in the Kiwi server instead. (thanks Stefan HB9TMC)


      Fixed problem related to the restoration of the auto proxy configuration after a re-flash.

  • Hackers be hacking..

    v1.682 fixes the problem reported by @HB9TMC where ipset/iptables wasn't filtering properly (but the Kiwi server was as a backup).

    But I also noticed something important. On the admin network tab, the "local blacklist" section where you can enter your own ip addresses and ip ranges: Be careful to not enter invalid or duplicate entries. Especially duplicates. Because processing of the local list will terminate at the point it finds a duplicate. It's a pain for me to detect this condition and report it back to the admin interface. I have much more important things I need to be working on. So this warning will have to suffice.

    Consider this local blacklist entry:

    There are two problems here. is deceptive because the /16 means the bottom 16-bits are considered the wildcard host address part and should really have been specified as 0.0 as in That means the following is also wrong and also considered as Hence two identical entries in a row causing an error which prevents the entry from being added to the blacklist!

    So be careful when constructing your lists. Use a site like https://www.ipaddressguide.com/cidr to check your IP range for proper CIDR representation.
