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  • https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/18360#Comment_18360 Ok!
  • I don't know if I'm on topic but I find this string repeating on my log. although my kiwi is set to not have any free access channels but only with a password. While on the new kiwi2 which is not registered online there are no strings that I don't r…
  • ...regarding the DCF77 I ask: I think I have a good reception signal but the synchronization doesn't happen, is it my problem or the decoder's? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hbp7l1x67ffbkxwsxqygz/2024-04-11T07_51_56Z_77.50_cwn.wav?rlkey=vvwis04gx5t…
  • Good morning after the latest update v1.644, by opening the DX tab of the administrator menu, the server closes automatically, not allowing any operation, and then repeats the operation endlessly while it is trying to load the list of broadcasters,…
  • Music 4 Joy is a broadcast from a commercial station in Nauen, Germany, consisting of an hour of ad-free “techno” music. For the rest I don't know what it sent in channel 2 it could very well be the audio file in some kind of downloadable format ta…
    in DRM Heard Comment by fabrys August 2023
  • Good morning does anyone have an idea what the M4J - 17670 Khz transmitter is transmitting in addition to the audio signal, taking into account, if I am not mistaken, that the receiver plugin does not receive it https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/022…
    in DRM Heard Comment by fabrys August 2023
  • For updates and interested parties: from 1 July 2023 the meteofax station ZKFL - New Zealand will definitively cease its broadcasts: https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/810/247I3WRZENKJ.jpg https://about.metservice.com/our-company/national-weather-ser…
  • Great, thanks for updating the control panel!
  • https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/981/ZEQ23QTQGSE6.jpg .. on the occasion of the next changes, I would ask you to evaluate the possibility of modifying this information box, making it floating to the left so that it can be hidden and recalled if n…
  • I tested 3 different browsers: Mozilla - Edge and Chrome. The problem is always the same, failure to memorize the label, with the exception of the fact that the frequency that appears in the creation of the label is actually the one where the Kiwi i…
  • After the update I have encountered a problem when I have to create a label. Specifically, once the fields of interest have been filled in, and with the [ADD] key highlighted in red, nothing happens after clicking with the mouse, the form remains op…
  • ..the file I fixed it or at least I think. I had a version of WinSCP used a long time ago that I didn't remember and from there I renamed the file with a different extension https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/934/EJ1KSS7F3FCZ.png
  • Thank you, being the SD with Linux formatting, and I use WIN11, I don't know how to proceed with the deletion directly from the SD. The emulator I have to control the SD only allows me to format the card and view the internal files but not other o…
  • Good morning... bearing in mind that I am not familiar with these manual procedures, I have a doubt: I followed the procedure described without anything happening immediately. Then I inserted the SD card and started the Backup in a regular way. At t…
  • the kiwi is a couple of years old but I changed the BBGreen card last year, when it was completely unprogrammed and it no longer started, since then I have put it under power with an uninterruptible power supply ups CONSOLE: open connection root@ki…
  • Thank you I try this solution hoping to solve.
  • Good morning.... on the topic of "labels" I have a problem that I can not solve: when I delete them either from the kiwi interface or from the DX card, the next time I restart the device, I find exactly the same "labels" that I h…
  • as far as the multiple connection is concerned, I had actually enabled it some time ago... probably, for reasons that are not clear to me, I checked today and it was disabled, now I have restored it. As an update I report the same user who changed …
  • Good morning..... I recently noticed these strange connections from the same ip which is once indicated as Chinese and another time as French. the user connects and remains fixed on the same frequency sometimes the two connections coexist with the s…
  • https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/15443#Comment_15443 Good morning.... as far as NMG is concerned, the frequency that I have reported is the exact reception one, including -1.9 kHz. as far as UGC is concerned, the usual 1.9 …
  • ...for possible frequency updates: UGC station - St. Petersburg Hydrometric Center frequency 2640 kHz: timetables : 10:30 Navtex; 13:00 Wefax. The frequency is occupied by a morse signal which transmits the station's callsign in CW. The transmissio…
  • ....tested with BBC 3955 kHz and it works great https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/671/DTQ1PBUQTQBB.jpg https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/090/DFI25U0YWTRW.jpg https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/453/Y7N2Z3P23WX5.png
  • ...following the last update 1.573 I noticed the appearance of this letter "D", what is the meaning? Are there any other reports as well? https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/269/IC9EWAUY30NF.png
  • Thanks, I was missing this DRM forum.
  • ... while we're on the subject, based on the images, does anyone know why Radio Kuwait hasn't been decoded for several days, neither on the standard frequency of 15110.00 kHz nor if the signal is centered on the frequency of 15109.70 kHz? https://fo…
  • Good morning... As soon as I have a decent signal with slide transmission I record and send. Note that these kind of broadcasts were labeled as "special holiday season broadcasts" so I don't know if it's the practice to send images during …
  • ... problem solved, but without knowing why. i had to reinstall mozilla from scratch. probably the admin tab was stuck and open even if it was not visible. In case it happens again, besides the warning it is not possible to add a button to the warni…
  • ... I restored the kiwi to a previous update with the appropriate SD card, after all the procedure was successful I restored the power supply to the device, which obviously updated itself to the latest version v1.557. as you can see from the attache…
  • ... with the latest update, if I try to change a label, this message appears even though the admin page is not open. I tried all the ways even restarting the Kiwi, but the message and the impossibility to modify the label remains unless you proceed …