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  • possible feature : TUNING lock

    I think Phil's suggestion of a last used frequency memory would be useful.

    I often find that I listen to one frequency whilst scrolling up or down the adjacent spectrum. If I quickly tune to a new frequency to hear what's been transmitted, it would be good to be able to quickly go back to the previous frequency without having to scroll back or retype the frequency (which I've often forgotten anyway).

    Would it be possible to add something like a browser 'back' and 'forward' function below the frequency entry box, which would allow you to scroll between frequencies that have been entered during the current browser session whilst using the SDR ?


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • possible feature : TUNING lock

    I think Phil's suggestion of a last used frequency memory would be useful.

    I often find that I listen to one frequency whilst scrolling up or down the adjacent spectrum. If I quickly tune to a new frequency to hear what's been transmitted, it would be good to be able to quickly go back to the previous frequency without having to scroll back or retype the frequency (which I've often forgotten anyway).

    Would it be possible to add something like a browser 'back' and 'forward' function below the frequency entry box, which would allow you to scroll between frequencies that have been entered during the current browser session whilst using the SDR ?


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • internet lag and decoding JT65

    On my local connection I'd estimate that the KiWi lag is only about 200-500mS maximum. 

    Just about a long enough a delay to cause you to hesitate whilst speaking if you are monitoring your own transmission.

    Over the internet the delay can be much longer, one user has reported a delay of around 2 seconds. 

    I think a lot depends upon variables in the users ISP and network routing, all of which are outside the Admins control.


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • GPS Admin screen


    The patch antenna supplied with the KiWi doesn't seem to be as good as some other GPS antennas.

    A lot of modern double glazing uses a metalised film to provide additional heat retention, but this also has the effect of greatly reducing the strength of GPS signals.

    I rarely used to get two satellites at any time with the supplied patch, but this week I ran in some more cables so that I could split the feed from an existing Trimble GPS antenna and now I'm typically seeing six at any moment with four or more at good strength most of the time.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • External Functions

    Hi All,

    I would like to be able to switch antenna ports directly from the BB GPIO pins via the web interface and also change some text on the web interface if some of the BB GPIO pins are switched externally.

    Kari, OH1KK, has done a great job in writing the Kiwi extension to drive a MS-S7-WEB antenna switch . But I really don't want to be tied to specific hardware as I've already got a number of different peripherals that I'd like to control & monitor directly from the KiWi.

    Is there an easy way (I'm not a coder) to modify Kari's extension to drive and receive commands from the BB ? 


    Martin - G8JNJ