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  • In addition. If you have more than the specified number of users trying to connect, the additional ones can "queue" to wait for the next free slot, or "camp" where they can "piggyback" onto an existing user and hear jus…
  • You will have additional aliased noise contribution from the LNA, which is another reason for the 40MHz LPF. Regards, Martin
  • You can place attenuation ahead of an LNA to improve strong signal handling, but the amount of attenuation needs to be chosen carefully, to take into account the LNA gain and Noise Figure, in order to ensure that the overall system Noise Figure is n…
  • Ideally, you should place attenuators between the LNA and receiver, this ensures the best overall Noise Figure. However, there is a trade in LNA design between strong signal handling and Noise Figure. Most cheap LNA's don't have a sufficiently good …
  • Personally, I think the internal attenuator is more trouble than it is worth. An external attenuator controlled by the KiWi, as a separate accessory, may be a better option for those that need to handle day / night propagation changes. However, in …
  • You have pressed something by mistake. Bring up the right click menu, and change the default setting back to zoom. Regards, Martin
  • ZeroTier is another suggestion from OpenWebRx users to circumvent CGNAT issues. Regards, Martin
  • In my case, the antennas have static bleed resistors, but I don't think the "screaming" noise is being locally generated on the antenna or mast. I suspect it is some form of plasma discharge occurring on a much bigger tower that is nearby.…
  • I often get extended periods of precipitation static which raises the noise floor by 20 to 30dB, it also produces a very odd "screaming" sound when listened to using AM demodulation. Download and change the attached file .txt extension to …
  • I'm not sure what could be causing the problem, but it works for me, so I think it's associated with your browser or keyboard. I'd try a different browser or device, to attempt to narrow down the problem. Regards, Martin
  • As per another thread. Power supplies have generally been the biggest cause of "random" issues. The electrolytic capacitors in power supplies dry out over time, and the voltage, current and general regulation go through a long period of g…
  • Power supplies have generally been the biggest cause of "random" issues, so it's always worth trying another type, with a different cable and connector, just to be sure. Regards, Martin
  • How far does the Chinese filter cut into the VHF airband ? The ones I have tried seemed to be acceptable. The frequency range 108-118MHz is used for navigation aids rather than voice comms, that helps provide a bit of additional separation. For e…
  • My experience of building filters like this, is that the values provided by the various on-line calculators for self-supporting air spaced inductors wound from wire, is that they are not that accurate. Even when you have wound them, and tweaked than…
  • Ah OK... Personally, I wouldn't recommend that model, but let's see how it works for you, when used with your antenna. I'm not sure what device the Noolec is using, but I guess it will be something like the Qorvo QPA4363A. Rather than issues with M…
  • Regarding the DX Engineering RPA-2 pre-amplifier. It's a good enough device, but somewhat expensive. I have used cloned copies of the RPA-1, which has a very good IMD performance, but the noise figure is not that brilliant, at around 6dB. As your si…
  • OK interesting. I thought the loop was a lot noisier than the Apex ? When I listened with the loop connected, the noise floor was about 20db higher. I think you could safely reduce the gain on the loop without degrading the Signal To Noise ratio. M…
  • Thanks for doing that. I think the Apex is better than the loop, but in both cases you seem to be constrained by local interference. I can hear and see noise from several switching supplies, possibly solar PV optimisers, plus what I think is a domes…
  • Incidentally if you are at all interested in reception of Short Wave stations outside of the Amateur and Broadcast bands I can recommend https://udxf.nl/ https://groups.io/g/UDXF The files sections on both sites are valuable sources of information…
  • Those are valid, and he has identified himself. It's a member of the UDXF list logging ALE networks, which requires long periods of continuous monitoring to capture stations that may only sound once an hour. I have given him passwords for my KiWi's …
  • That seems to be correct. Don't forget that SSTV is quite low resolution, so I don't think you are missing too much by using that method. Regards, Martin
  • There was a long thread about the Apexradio 303WA-2 some time ago on this forum. https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/17853 The height of the antenna above ground is likely to have a significant effect on its performance. Genera…
  • I tend to set the supply voltage at the DC connector, with the KiWi powered and running at 5.4v. This gives 5v at the internal header due to various voltage drops. As a result, I don't think 5.66v is likely to be outside the limits, but your issue m…
  • How are you changing the size of the chart ? Is it by altering browser settings, or by some other method ? Regards, Martin
  • I recently did a bit more research into the various DC filter boards that can be bough cheaply from China. I've previously mentioned the simple type with two separate inductors. Simple DC Filter https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/812/O25TQCF3W754.pn…
  • It's not that easy, as it depends on the source, and whatever it is connected to. Especially as John has already indicated that there is likely to be more than one source. That's why I suggest switching off your power at the main board, you will the…
  • Which IP address ? Your internal network (probably 192.168. xxx.xxx), or the outward facing public IP, which will probably change unless you have paid for a fixed one. You will also need to setup your router for port forwarding. Most of the informat…
  • Most likely you will, so good hunting. Oh and folks will soon be turning on their cheap Chinese made Christmas lights and decorations, so expect things to get worse for a month or so, until they get packed away again ready for next year. Regards, Ma…
  • Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. However, from experience. Most noise tends to be conducted, and if it's really strong, it's more than likely to be from something in your own home, or something very close to it. If you can run the KiWi, or another …
  • Can we hear the noise please ? Ideally an AM recording made on a quiet bit of spectrum. That would provide a lot of clues. Regards, Martin