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  • "And I think the LT1083/1084/1085 stabilizer is a very good and cheap choice." The 5A linear regulators do produce LF noise. https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/768/5OYC6KSJYIJE.png But adding a big electrolytic across the regulated output…
  • Beware of Ubiquiti radio links using PoE. The DC-DC convertors and plastic housings, can make them very noisy on HF frequencies. Regards, Martin
  • Most likely during a contest or similar. When some of the big contests are running, like CQ Worldwide, the amateur bands are usually packed. Most contests tend to held during the weekend. https://www.contestcalendar.com/weeklycont.php Regards, Mart…
  • They sound like the Indonesian / Asian fishermen that can be heard all over the spectrum on odd frequencies, often performing a lot of chanting. The Australian KiWi's in particular tend to be full of them, along with all the HF radars around that re…
  • Yes, you are correct, it is Upstream, which makes more sense, and may be easier to fix.
  • Looking at their spectrum display, it's the downstream DSL, that is problematic, which is odd at this level of amplitude. I wonder if they have their modem, line filters and POTS wiring setup correctly. Regards, Martin
  • If the antenna details given on http://zl4md.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/ are correct, they are using a Mini-whip antenna. These, like most unbalanced antennas, are prone to picking up local interference, which is a pity as they seem to have a reasonable…
  • You make some good points. The company I worked for moved across to Open Source at the behest of the developers, as at the time, it was becoming "the next big thing". However, they didn't have the responsibility of maintaining the end prod…
  • I understand your point, but after buying a KiWi is it really that much to spend ? However, as an alternative idea, I was in a local "pound (dollar) store" the other day, and noticed that there were several small metal storage boxes with l…
  • Ah, a typical radio club, where the minority of members who actually do things, get criticised by the majority who do nothing, except pick holes in the various initiatives. Been there, done that... My personal experience of the alternatives, is that…
  • Personally, I'd say, don't bother. Put it in a die-cast metal box or a similar screened enclosure. It's much better, as it helps avoid interference to, and from, other devices. Quite a few previous post cover this topic. Regards, Martin
  • Hi Steve, The KiWi is not calibrated in dBfs as such. If you use the waterfall and S-Meter values I previously posted, it will be close to genuine dBm values. 0 dBm = 1mW into 50 ohms. Try to keep individual strong signals at less than -20dBm and if…
  • I set mine to Waterfall min (dBFS, fully zoomed-out) -110 Waterfall max (dBFS) -20 S-meter calibration (dB) -13 Waterfall calibration (dB) -10 I thought you could also set the Auto waterfall max and minimum levels, but I can't find that option. But…
  • I agree with Glenn, Most small companies eat into their profits, by providing after sales support. It takes up valuable development time, delays the launch of new products and the additional income stream they can provide. New products are require…
  • I'd also suggest emphasising the "works straight out of the box" aspect of the KiWi. One competitor is making an attempt at this, so far unsuccessfully, but the majority of previous competitors have not been able to achieve this. Other op…
  • This is a thorny subject, and I could write a thesis on it. I have already made my position clear to John, but I'll raise a few points here to further the discussion. Open-source / FOSS is generally a great concept, kids these days like having stuff…
  • This looks like the project Peter (PD4P) started some time ago, but I may be wrong. https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/16280 It was an attempt to visually snapshot KiWi waterfalls and an alternative to the SNR ranking, in orde…
  • There was an extensive thread regarding the 393WA https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/17852#Comment_17852
  • "I would like to invest in the W6LVP" Also pretty average IMHO, I'd go for LZ1AQ, used Wellbrook or Cross Country Wireless. Check out the Loopantennas IO group, ready built PCB's on offer at decent prices. Regards, Martin
  • I have not tried tilting the GPS antenna. At my location, I get good coverage to the horizon, with the polar "hole" to the North, so I don't think I'd achieve much by tilting. Regards, Martin
  • When using an MLA-30, I don't think you can have too much gain :-) Auto waterfall settings can have you chasing your tail. So I tend to set the KiWi waterfall & Spectrum display to manual, zoom fully out to see the whole spectrum, then set the…
  • The gain control on the bias tee is a passive one, so it's probably best to set that for minimum attenuation and maximum signal levels anyway. Then adjust the gain control on the loop amplifier board. There is no point adding more gain than necessa…
  • If you simply combine the two antenna's, you will change the direction of the bi-directional pattern, but you will not achieve an omni-directional response, unless you combine them using a 90 degree hybrid to produce circular polarisation. Better to…
  • This is a typical data sheet for the type of ceramic patch used in the small GPS puck. https://datasheets.kyocera-avx.com/ethertronics/AVX-E_1001039.pdf Note the 70x70mm PCB ground plane used in the measurement test setup. The 30x30 PCB inside the p…
  • I watched one of Techmind's video's relating to the End feed antenna. https://youtu.be/VYt3-jkBfaQ?feature=shared Some things of note. He is on the edge of rural farmland, so the noise floor will be lower than if he was in the middle of at typical U…
  • Hi John, Not a big deal, but it may be related to the mouse behaviour. I notice that sometimes when I click on the waterfall, the KiWi doesn't tune to that frequency, but it remains on an existing frequency. A second click is then required before it…
  • An End Fed wire antenna is by it's nature not balanced, and they have a reputation as tending to be noise magnets. A wire dipole, loop or active loop are better options. With your KiWi a lack of signal level seems to be the main issue. Even if there…
  • Unbalanced antennas are prone to noise pickup on the feed line. Use a balanced antenna if you can, as this will provide better results. Concentrate on the Signal to Noise Ratio rather than absolute signal strength. A good transmit antenna is not nec…
  • The GPS puck is designed to mounted on a car, so it has to be siting to a metal surface in order to have an adequate ground plane, and function correctly. It doesn't need to be anything sophisticated, and something like a biscuit tin, or similar, is…
  • Hi Willie, I'm using Firefox running under Windows, and I'm not seeing this happen. Have you tried another browser with Linux ? Regards, Martin