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  • PayPal is my preferred method. Credit card is 2nd. Don't have any Apple devices, so no Apple Pay for me. Have never tried Google Pay. 73, -Zyg- AF4MP
  • I'm interested, count me in! -Zyg- AF4MP
  • Yes, exactly. The licencing issue, here, is that it appears that the FCC did not fully understand, at the time, what WINB was going to do. The WINB 5 kHz DRM signal has a 3 Hz audio bandwidth that is not exactly hi-fi. So it is certainly a very …
    in DRM Heard Comment by Zyg February 2023
  • >but there has been some speculation that WINB has been using the lower half of its transmitted DRM >spectrum for that purpose, and the Red Lion transmitter site is in a suitable location for the New York >Traders. If you look at the WINB 1…
    in DRM Heard Comment by Zyg February 2023
  • >As a technology I don't think it is going anywhere, unless someone thinks of using it in a different way, such as >carrying data, such as for HF trading. The HF trading people use their own propriety modems to send the financial data. Using …
    in DRM Heard Comment by Zyg February 2023
  • see also a discussion earlier:
    in DRM Heard Comment by Zyg March 2022
  • Scroll down through the thread for the explanation.
    in DRM Heard Comment by Zyg March 2022
  • Actually, there are three stations being received at extremely strong levels: 1320 kHz - S9+50 dB 1420 kHz - S9+45 dB 1490 kHz - S9+55 dB 73, -Zyg- AF4MP
  • Very nice!
  • || menu that select an entire HFDL frequency band. That option is very helpful - Thank you!
  • Works well with my Kiwi. Thank you! When time is available, another humbly requested project is to have an extension to decode the Ham HF APRS on 30 meters! 73, -Zyg- AF4MP
  • >The KiwiSDR is not inexpensive, at nearly 1/3 the cost of sophisticated FPGA-SDR transceiver. I therefore expected polished functionality. With hundreds of publically and easily accessible KiwiSDRs around the world, I'm surprised that you did n…
  • I also did not have a problem updating to v1.463. It took a little longer than half an hour, to download, but no hitches. Now I've got to figure out all this new ALE-2G stuff. -Zyg- AF4MP
  • Thank you for the explanation. Now I understand, I had thought that it was a squelch process. Sure enough, it works as you said it would! -Zyg- AF4MP
  • From personal experience 4.95 volts is probably the cause of your problems. I run my Kiwi at 5.2V. 73, -Zyg- AF4MP
  • This Edge/Chrome browser issue maybe the same problem that is affecting DRM decoding using the IQ mode.
  • The internal DRM extension continues to work with both Edge and Firefox. Zfyoung have you tried using Firefox? The "new" Microsoft Edge that I was using is based on the Chrome browser. -Zyg- AF4MP
  • I can confirm that on my 3rd Windows computer the same problem occurs. Just checked while receiving Radio Marti DRM 7345 kHz. DRM decoding via IQ, at this time, does not work with Edge, but it does work with FireFox. -Zyg- AF4MP
  • I noticed a similar situation in the last week on two Windows 10 machines. It felt as if an attenuator had been placed in series with the IQ feed. However I found that by changing browsers from Windows Edge to Fire Fox the problem went away. -Zyg-…
  • The thin black space above "the green / red color" turns white when the AGC threshold value is set under the AGC tab. If the the AGC Threshold is set all the way to the left then there is no white line. Slide the AGC threshold to the righ…
  • WINB is using half of their 10 kHz signal bandwidth for DRM. That means, obviously, that their DRM signal is only 5 kHz wide. DRM was designed with a specific number of modes. The only mode where a 5 kHz DRM BW is specified is in the LW or MW ban…
  • From an earlier message by Ulli, "I think you are far too optimistic about the efficiency of the 'loop-on-ground' antenna at higher frequencies (>10Mhz). " My 120ft (36.6 meter) Loop-on-Ground (without pre-amp) is working surprisingly…
  • Ditto! Having a Dream style log file output would be awesome. (Image)
    in DRM Heard Comment by Zyg August 2020
  • Great work John! Glad that you are recovering and feeling better. -Zyg- AF4MP
  • One of my favorite public KiwiSDR's is at KPH ( and unfortunately it does suffer from the anomaly and does not "round to 1 kHz". -Zyg- AF4MP
  • Excellent addition! Works great - a good test is to find a strong local MW BC station with a weak adjacent channel signal that is normally obliterated by the stronger local and then click on SAM or SAL (depending on which side of the stronger signa…
  • Further study shows that the "rounding to 1 kHz" does work on the Ham Bands (as depicted above the waterfall) but not outside of them. I did find that Martin's G8JNJ receiver in Farnham, UK ( does not appear to h…
  • I also see the same "non rounding to 1 kHz" on a couple of public KiwiSDR's that I just chose at random. Again, I might be missing something obvious. -Zyg- AF4MP
  • For example: 9955kHz and 10000 kHz. As always I could be doing something stupid; but the 10 kHz and 5 kHz rounding works as it should, but not the 1 kHz. Thank you, -Zyg- AF4MP
  • > WINB is a good example. As far as I can tell, they're also wasting half their transmitter power on those lower sideband tones (what are they anyway?) It is data of some kind. Speculation is that WINB is using the "Latency Arbitrage"…