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Rounded Frequency Set

I've noticed that the rounded frequency set (shift-click in waterfall or frequency scale) outside the LW, MW and SWBC bands does not seem to work, i.e. the shift-click does not tune to the nearest rounded 1 kHz.

The LW and MW correctly round to the nearest 10 kHz and so does the SWBC to the nearest 5 kHz.

I'm running the latest software version V1.389.

Anyone else see this?

Thank you,

-Zyg- AF4MP


  • Can you give me a precise example? I tried a bunch of non-band frequencies and modes. With a shift-click they always rounded to 1 kHz which is the expected behavior.
  • For example: 9955kHz and 10000 kHz.

    As always I could be doing something stupid; but the 10 kHz and 5 kHz rounding works as it should, but not the 1 kHz.

    Thank you,

    -Zyg- AF4MP
  • I also see the same "non rounding to 1 kHz" on a couple of public KiwiSDR's that I just chose at random.

    Again, I might be missing something obvious.

    -Zyg- AF4MP
  • I'm finding that "it works sometimes". I managed to get it not work, QSYed to a ham band where it worked, fussed around after which it quit. Maybe someone else can figure out the conditions for (non)working.
  • Further study shows that the "rounding to 1 kHz" does work on the Ham Bands (as depicted above the waterfall) but not outside of them.

    I did find that Martin's G8JNJ receiver in Farnham, UK ( does not appear to have this anomaly.

    -Zyg- AF4MP
  • ZygZyg
    edited April 2020
    One of my favorite public KiwiSDR's is at KPH ( and unfortunately it does suffer from the anomaly and does not "round to 1 kHz".

    -Zyg- AF4MP
  • jksjks
    edited April 2020
    Found it. Only happens on Kiwis with ITU region set to 2! (Americas) Has to do with the recently added code to force 1 kHz stepping in the 75/80m ham/BCB overlap segment for region 2 (change made in response to a user request) :/ Will be fixed in the next release.
  • Great work John!

    Glad that you are recovering and feeling better.

    -Zyg- AF4MP
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