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DRM and IQ output no longer working properly in latest update? [see W10 audio popping thread]

edited April 2021 in Problems and Issues

Hi, I noticed lately that DRM and IQ output not working any more in the latest firmware update: For my experience, it seems IQ output intermittently dropping audio snippets and causing DRM signal lose sync. Can any one verify my result? Thanks in advance.



  • I noticed a similar situation in the last week on two Windows 10 machines. It felt as if an attenuator had been placed in series with the IQ feed. However I found that by changing browsers from Windows Edge to Fire Fox the problem went away.

    -Zyg- AF4MP

  • I can confirm that on my 3rd Windows computer the same problem occurs.

    Just checked while receiving Radio Marti DRM 7345 kHz.

    DRM decoding via IQ, at this time, does not work with Edge, but it does work with FireFox.

    -Zyg- AF4MP

  • Just to be clear, what's being discussed here? The Kiwi's internal DRM extension or using IQ audio out, with Edge or Firefox, to Dream via a VAC?

    If Dream/VAC, do you see different Dream IF/audio signal strength levels with Edge vs FF?

  • I use both internal DRM extension and IQ audio out. For internal DRM decoder, it doesn't show up any successfully decoded info. eg. station ID. For IQ output, I suspected the IQ audio signal is corrupted. It looks likely the timing of IQ streams is periodically out of whack as if inserted by "extra" samples. BTW, my brouser is Google Chrome.


  • The internal DRM extension continues to work with both Edge and Firefox.

    Zfyoung have you tried using Firefox? The "new" Microsoft Edge that I was using is based on the Chrome browser.

    -Zyg- AF4MP

  • OK, on further test, I can confirm the internal DRM extension continues to work. My bad!

    I'll try firefox next time, thanks for your suggestions.


  • As Zyg suggested, I did a quick IQ test over Firefox brouser, and it turns out working quite well.

    So it looks like a brouser problem after all. Not sure why IQ doesn't work with Chrome anymore




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