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  • V1.92 Fax decoder

    The fax code needs an external program to convert .pgm format files, which is what it records, to the .png file for download. I forgot to include installation of that program in the Kiwi makefile. I'll do that for today's release.

    I can change it to not disturb the initial frequency. I always changed to 7880 Hamburg because that was the best signal during development.

    You can always click the "mute" button while the fax extension is running. Not sure I want to make this the default behavior as it might confuse people. It could be a (future) user preference.

  • Single URL/bookmark can now open multiple windows/tabs

    In v1.83 you can now say, e.g. kiwisdr.local:8073/?ext=wspr,40m&mute&win2&ext=wspr,30m&mute

  • Bad parameters ?

    Yes, anytime the sound or waterfall processes receive an unrecognized command on the web socket stream a message is logged. But there is also a bug I recently fixed where _any_ command received after the server thinks the connection is "closed" is logged. This is incorrect and there will be a fix in the next release. You will occasionally see random stuff logged. Unless it is causing you a problem you should not worry about it.

  • No possibility to upgrade [fixed in v1.88, caused problems with new Kiwis first upgrade]

    Okay, please "cdp" and then "up" to download, build and start the new v1.88 release.


    Because reception of HF fax is poor here in New Zealand I've had to use one of the Kiwi beta sites in Europe to get strong reception of DDH3 & DDK3/6 out of Germany. That image has contrast problems. It should be a well defined black & white. The open source fax code I found is kind of strange. I don't really understand it yet. Especially the FM demod section.

    Which computer? Computer running browser or Beagle? Can you define "other operations"?

    The Beagle is only meant to be running the Kiwi server and nothing else. There are critical realtime constraints that require Linux to get-out-of-the-way as much as possible.

    On the client computer if the browser/javascript doesn't get the required realtime response to keep up with the audio output demand then you'll drop audio samples and the fax will get shifted. This can be improved by making the Kiwi audio buffer in the browser larger. But then the latency gets longer, and a different group of people get upset with me, lol.

  • Single URL/bookmark can now open multiple windows/tabs

    In v1.83 you can now say, e.g. kiwisdr.local:8073/?ext=wspr,40m&mute&win2&ext=wspr,30m&mute

  • Single URL/bookmark can now open multiple windows/tabs

    In v1.83 you can now say, e.g. kiwisdr.local:8073/?ext=wspr,40m&mute&win2&ext=wspr,30m&mute

  • Single URL/bookmark can now open multiple windows/tabs

    In v1.83 you can now say, e.g. kiwisdr.local:8073/?ext=wspr,40m&mute&win2&ext=wspr,30m&mute

  • Less than optimum SDR's online.

    This has been frustrating for me also. Some of the free placement units I sent out have awful reception. I might need to buy better antennas for them.

    Antennas and filtering are one thing. But finding and curing noise problems is another level that some people may not be comfortable with. Plus it takes real effort sometimes (I still have major problems here!)

    Everyone needs to watch this video. It was a real revelation to me: EMC & Shack Noise: Filtering the mains supply
