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  • dx.json

    This whole thing is hopefully going to be fixed soon..

  • Unable to log into Admin menu since v1.81 [fixed: v1.82 reverts the v1.81 changes]

    Daniel, that's a good idea. I've been lazy about not using git branches and that's already changed. I've got some extra units here and could make a public test unit available running the current beta release. The biggest problem with all this has been problems I can't duplicate here either because of subtle differences in my environment or whatever. I'll be really interested to see what this current problem is. I'm sure it will be another SMH (smack my head) moment. These things usually are.

    For anyone who's wondering: the little web server inside the Kiwi software has never sent the appropriate HTTP headers to allow the browser to cache content. So all the static content (images, javascript, etc.) gets downloaded over the wire each time you make a connection which is kinda dumb. Now it's not a huge deal because the audio/waterfall streams pretty quickly dwarf that amount of network traffic. But there are some new features coming which will depend on caching for efficiency. So I've been trying to get it to work. You would think it should be easy, but it's deceptive. Lots of corner cases. And if you get it wrong you end up with a situation where the browser has downloaded some of the latest files (e.g. javascript) but is still using cached copies of others that are out-of-date. And that can be a real nightmare to recognize sometimes. I'm almost certain a caching issue is responsible for the admin page problem.

  • Unable to log into Admin menu since v1.81 [fixed: v1.82 reverts the v1.81 changes]

    Daniel, that's a good idea. I've been lazy about not using git branches and that's already changed. I've got some extra units here and could make a public test unit available running the current beta release. The biggest problem with all this has been problems I can't duplicate here either because of subtle differences in my environment or whatever. I'll be really interested to see what this current problem is. I'm sure it will be another SMH (smack my head) moment. These things usually are.

    For anyone who's wondering: the little web server inside the Kiwi software has never sent the appropriate HTTP headers to allow the browser to cache content. So all the static content (images, javascript, etc.) gets downloaded over the wire each time you make a connection which is kinda dumb. Now it's not a huge deal because the audio/waterfall streams pretty quickly dwarf that amount of network traffic. But there are some new features coming which will depend on caching for efficiency. So I've been trying to get it to work. You would think it should be easy, but it's deceptive. Lots of corner cases. And if you get it wrong you end up with a situation where the browser has downloaded some of the latest files (e.g. javascript) but is still using cached copies of others that are out-of-date. And that can be a real nightmare to recognize sometimes. I'm almost certain a caching issue is responsible for the admin page problem.

  • Local QRM, 60 KHz intervals

    Seeed has been sending me prototypes of a nice aluminum case with small internal fan. Don't know the schedule or price, but hopefully reasonable. I'm trying to get them to resell those nice audiophile linear power supplies too.

  • Local QRM, 60 KHz intervals

    Seeed has been sending me prototypes of a nice aluminum case with small internal fan. Don't know the schedule or price, but hopefully reasonable. I'm trying to get them to resell those nice audiophile linear power supplies too.

  • dx.json

    This whole thing is hopefully going to be fixed soon..

  • Single URL/bookmark can now open multiple windows/tabs

    That's a very good idea. Let me add that to the next release. It's easy to implement.

  • Noise Blanker

    Probably. I haven't spent any time looking for noise blanker code (either pre or post-demodulation). This feature request has been on the list for a long time along with notch filter(s) for those annoying carriers.

  • DDNS from KiwiSDR

    dyndns.com (dyn.com) looks to be a managed DNS subscription service with no free dynamic DNS client.
    So it looks like integrating a DDNS client into the Kiwi is the solution in this case. I will try and get that working. I might have to pick one provider (noip.com) and limit the configuration support to them for now. As it so often turns out you spend MUCH more time coding the user interface than the actual functionality of whatever it is you're trying to implement. 

  • DDNS from KiwiSDR

    If you're going to the trouble of using an R-pi to run a Linux command-line based DDNS client you could just consider logging onto the Kiwi Beagle and installing one there. That's essentially what I'm going to get the Kiwi software distribution to do. Just like it automatically installs things like fftw, avahi-autoipd and miniupnpc. Here's what I did to search for DDNS clients supported by Debian on the Beagle:

    root@kiwi:~# pks dyndns

    available pkgs:

    ddclient - address updating utility for dynamic DNS services

    dyndns - dynamic DNS (DDNS) update client implemented in Perl

    ez-ipupdate - client for most dynamic DNS services

    ipcheck - Dyndns.org client to register your dynamic IP address

    tinydyndns - pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns

    root@kiwi:~# al pks

    alias pks='echo available pkgs:; apt-cache search'

    So the "pks" command is a Kiwi shell alias for the apt command needed to search all the available packages. I was looking at using the ez-ipupdate client. To install it so you can look at its man page just do "pki ez-ipupdate" (pki is an alias for "apt-get -y install"). See all the pk aliases by typing "pk".

    Note that I have not actually tried using this DDNS client yet (with, for example, noip.com)
