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  • Multiple Kiwis responding to a single URL

    The v1.188 release features a suggestion by Paul from http://www.amradioantennas.com to use URL redirection to allow multiple Kiwis to respond to a single URL. That is, when a connection is made to mykiwi.com:8073, and all 4 channels are busy, your browser will be automatically redirected to another Kiwi specified in the first Kiwi's configuration (e.g. mykiwi.com:8074). This can continue for as many Kiwis as you want until you hit the browser limit on redirections, which is a fairly large number. Your browser will also detect if you accidentally configure an unending "loop" of Kiwis with all channels busy and complain about that.

    See the instructions on the "connect" tab of the admin page for details. This turned out to be fairly easy to implement. Thanks Paul!

  • v1.188: switching compilers from gcc to clang

    Today's update switches compilers from gcc to clang. This means in the future update builds will run about twice as fast.

    But today's build will take some time as the new compiler is downloaded and installed. Total update/build time will be approximately 15 minutes.
    It is extremely important that you do not interrupt this process and potentially leave your Kiwi in a partially updated state unable to run or update further (i.e. "bricked").

  • What is the status of the WSPR background and autostart features? [added in v1.181]

    @Glenn: It's a bug. Being fixed in today's update.

  • kiwid restarts after assertion failure in support/coroutines.cpp [fixed in v1.184]

    Thanks for reporting this. As you can see I added some additional debugging in the latest release (the "ca_pause -1594 ..." stuff).

    I added the assertion a little while ago to make sure a hardware (FPGA) constraint wasn't getting overrun. If it is then a sat that is acquired may not be tracked properly. And we see this behavior sometimes. But this assertion has never occurred in my testing (or at least I've never caught it happening). So if I can understand what's going on and fix a bug this might result in greater tracking successes which would be very helpful.

  • kiwid restarts after assertion failure in support/coroutines.cpp [fixed in v1.184]

    No, that shouldn't be related. There was definitely a bug in the task lock code for a special case. It's just that the case only ever occurs when the GPS acquisition is enabled or disabled as users make SDR connections. I was able to trigger the bug on my own Kiwi by artificially increasing the rate of occurrence of the special case.

  • kiwid restarts after assertion failure in support/coroutines.cpp [fixed in v1.184]

    Okay Ivan, I've got a fix running on your Kiwi and so far it looks good. I was able to write some test code for my Kiwi that caused the assertion failure to occur. So I'm pretty sure that the bug I fixed is really the source of the problem. I'm not sure why it happens so often with your Kiwi. The problem occurs when the GPS acquisition task is started and stopped as the number of user connections changes between zero and greater than zero. That is the only case that uses a special case of the coroutine task sleep/lock code.

    I'll include this fix in the next update.

  • What is the status of the WSPR background and autostart features? [added in v1.181]

    I have something beginning to work now. It's a bit primitive, but it gets the job done. After I do more testing I'll arrange for you to give it a try.

  • GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi? [working as of v1.178]

    The simplest solution is to fix the memory problem so call channels can be used for all classes of satellites.

  • Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on Xilinx Zynq FPGA a single chip solution [for GPS only]

    Well, you're just going to have to get in there and start checking things.

    I would start by seeing if the e_cpu firmware is sending data correctly to the C code. I'm not sure exactly what codebase you're using. So adjust what I say here to match what you have. In gps.asm change the UploadSamples routine to return a constant pattern instead of data from the FPGA and see if you get this pattern on the C code side. Replace the "wrEvt GET_SAMPLES" with the two instructions "push 0x1234" and "wrReg HOST_TX". Then in search.cpp where the "spi_get(CmdGetSamples, &rx, PACKET)" happens print out rx.word[0] and look for the 0x1234 (it might be byte swapped).

    If that looks ok put gps.asm back the way it was and change the FPGA code to send a constant pattern. In sampler.v send a fixed pattern on dout[15:0] instead of the output from the RAMB16_S1_S4. Say something like "dout <= 16'h1234" inside a "always @ (posedge clk)" block.

    Does the output of your hard limiter sort of look like the output of the SE4150L as shown in the Kiwi troubleshooting guide? http://www.kiwisdr.com/ks/troubleshooting.pdf
    You should always see transitions in the IF signal, even if no antenna is connected.

    Speaking of the antenna. Are you sure you are presenting enough sat signal to the gp2015? Are you using an active antenna and supplying bias voltage on the cable? Are you using too much lossy cable (e.g. rg174) that would result in too weak a signal at the chip? This is extremely important. See here: http://freqelec.com/gps_gnss/gps_ant_issues_r1_5-07.pdf

  • GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi? [working as of v1.178]

    v1.177 is out with Galileo support. Not perfect, but good enough for some widespread testing.

    On the admin GPS tab the switch labeled "Plot Galileo?" determines if separate position solutions including Galileo, and not, are computed and displayed. But note that this only works if there are at least 4 sats of each category present (i.e. 4 Galileo, 4 Navstar/QZSS). On the new "Map" display different color pins will be used to show the differences. See the legend at the bottom of the map.

    Sometimes when Galileo sats are used the positions don't agree with Navstar/QZSS (i.e. the green and red/yellow pins will be spaced some distance apart). This may be due to the well known false-peak locking issue with the Galileo waveform. We are still implementing a solution for this issue.
