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  • IP address time limit in v1.132

  • Who runs Linux for their main OS/Browser [how to run Dream on Linux]

    Try 3965 (RFI, Issoudun, France, 24/7) from a Kiwi in Switzerland or Germany during evening / night hours there: http://fenu-radio.ddns.net:8073/?f=3965iqz8
    Also from Europe try beginning at these times: 04Z 9800 RRI, 06Z 3955 BBC, 06Z 6040 RRI, 08Z 17790 BBC
    See http://www.hfcc.org/drm Not all the signals listed there seem to be transmitting.

    One problem I've noticed with HF DRM is that the way HF broadcasters have it configured (not enough redundancy) you really need a signal/noise ratio of > 18 dB to keep audio dropouts from happening. That means it's almost useless in any sort of significant fading condition (i.e. long distances, multi-hop etc.) Some interesting perspective here: https://www.drmradio.co.uk/drm_010.htm

  • Remote access kiwisdr using console or Putty

    Alright, looks like this hack worked for him. He was able to change the root account password and use ssh/putty normally. So we can do this again if absolutely necessary to get someone out of a jam with remote access.

  • Remote access kiwisdr using console or Putty

    Okay, there is a release going out today. I think what I'll do is put in a one-time hack so you can supply a hashed key to the /admin url to bypass the local-net console check. Please send me an email at support@kiwisdr.com and I'll send you the key.

    That way you can get in and set the Debian root password. Then ssh / putty login should work. I'll remove the hack on a subsequent release.

  • Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on Xilinx Zynq FPGA a single chip solution [for GPS only]

    Hi. Yes, to use real-time GPS data from the Kiwi GPS front-end chip you will need to run the code on the embedded processor on the FPGA. This is the code (sdgps/asm/gps.asm) that runs in the little FPGA embedded processor (sdgps/a_ise/gps_iq15_1/cpu.v) that also has a C-code simulation (sdgps/cpu/cpu.c).

    This is because for real-time GPS data this code needs to run PLL loop filter code at 1 kHz.
    See Andrew's description here: http://www.aholme.co.uk/GPS/Main.htm

    I don't think my simulation code is fast enough to do this in real-time. Anyway, the simulation code only simulates both the GPS FPGA logic (e.g. sdgps/a_ise/gps_iq15_1/demod.v) and the embedded processor together. It does not know how to work with the GPS logic running in the actual FPGA but the embedded processor simulated. But this embedded processor is quite simple and shouldn't be much of a problem to get working on the Zynq.

    There is another problem to consider. My old "sdgps" project that you have running is targeted for a Spartan-6. But also for the Xilinx ISE toolchain. I believe Zynq requires the newer Vivado toolchain. So you will have to make some adjustment, e.g. instead of a .ucf format file for the FPGA pin mappings you will need a .xcf format file. And the definitions for the required Xilinx IP blocks is a little different. The GPS part of the newer KiwiSDR project targets the Artix-7 which of course requires Vivado. So you will find a .xcf file there and the Vivado-compatible IP block definitions.

    After this is working there is the question of moving the C/C++ code off the Beagle into the Arm processor of the Zynq. But that is a separate consideration.

    And now for something new: The "sdgps" project just outputs to the terminal as you know. And the GPS in the KiwiSDR project has this nice web interface as part of the admin page. What I've been working on the last few days is a version of the KiwiSDR project that has most of the "SDR" code removed. This will leave just the GPS code. There will be fewer files, it will compile much faster and be much easier to understand. The KiwiSDR project is currently at https://github.com/jks-prv/Beagle_SDR_GPS so I will make a new project called https://github.com/jks-prv/Beagle_GPS in a few days. I'm not sure if this will help you for using the Zedboard but I've had several requests for a version of the Kiwi for people who just want to do GPS development / experimentation and don't care about SDR.

  • DRM demod? [yes, external app Dream now working!]

    For Mac OS X I couldn't get the FAAD2 codec I downloaded to be recognized by Dream 2.1.1 (the latest version). But downloading the older Dream 1.11 from Download Dream 1.11 application (i386) worked immediately (has the codec bundled). Select your VAC as the input device and set the channel to "I/Q positive zero".

    I need to do a little more cleanup before releasing v1.139 with the new IQ mode. The changes are on the Kiwi at kiwisdr.sk3w.se:8073 if anyone wants to try it. I'd like to know if the Windows version of Dream works.

  • Dealing with excessive noise - SOLVED: Ethernet over Power caused noise


    That reminds me that I've been meaning to create a "gallery" of waterfall / spectrum screen caps of common interference sources. Lots of situations have been identified now: BPL, xDSL, electric fences, different SMPSs, the Ethernet problem, ADC overload, ...

  • Dealing with excessive noise - SOLVED: Ethernet over Power caused noise

    Ugh, that's just about the worst noise I've ever seen.

    It might be ADSL or broadband-over-powerline (BPL). Note how the spectrum is obviously "notched" around the 30m, 20m, 17m and 15m ham bands (purple segments in band display). That's the service provider trying to keep hams happy, but failing dreadfully in this case. If you rotate the loop does the noise null at all?

    I think it might also be several independent noise sources. I've seen those strong 0 - 30 MHz lines that look like static crashes before. I think they come from seriously defective switch mode power supplies.

  • Save money on another Kiwi or tell a friend [KiwiSDR sometimes on drop.com for $100 off MSRP]

    October 3: Massdrop is active again for 7 days. US$230 for a KiwiSDR kit if they get enough orders. Best deal out there!

  • SSB Click Frequency

    This has been an open issue for almost a year now: https://github.com/jks-prv/Beagle_SDR_GPS/issues/5

    Basically it is waiting for a "user preferences" capability to be introduced so the tuning method can be varied to individual taste. I'm not going to change the default behavior until then. Otherwise I'll get pummeled with people who don't like the change..
