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Stuck resolutely at V1.470 [fixed]

edited December 2021 in KiwiSDR Discussion

Hi folks,

Despite doing...




... many times or doing the admin page update my system is still stuck resolutely at V1.470. Tried switching 'Automatically install...' on and off but no difference either.

I expect it needs something more drastic to shift from 1.470. Any clues please, anyone?


  • are you able to ssh ans sudo to root? If so, this may do it

    cd [goes to /root]After rebooting from the update login again and from a root shell do:

    cd [goes to /root]

    git clone

    cd Beagle_SDR_GPS

    make clean


    make install

  • edited December 2021

    It might be disk full, corrupted downloads etc.

    There are other threads on here and I will look for them, that contain the fixes in those cases from John, but if the Kiwi is readily accessible to you, I'd consider a fresh install from original SD card and allowing it to update itself. That is a very basic method and obviously backup all customisations first even if only screen printing each tab. I say that as I see little downside to it and repairing a stuck one is probably most safely down by JKS who may still be enjoying some rare down time.



  • Yes, I looked exhaustively through all the 'stuck' threads.

    The original SD is long since lost/overwritten as this kiwi was working since 2017. I keep 2 rotating backups. After looking through forests of messages generated by make clean/make/make install I found a message to run this instruction:

    dpkg --configure -a

    ... and after doing the 3 steps again it finally updated! Time will tell if it ever makes it to V1.483...

    73s, Rob.

  • Better do that backup, but tomorrow, its late Boxing day in the UK.

  • We've seen this a few times, where the filesystem is so badly damaged that the package system fails to run without manual intervention to repair it.

  • As mine was running since 2017, and outlived an Apple Macbook pro, not surprising there is the odd glitch!

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