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  • Direction Finding and linking existing KiwiSDRs

    Hi All,

    I agree even a 100km accuracy would be a good starting point. The advantage of the KiWi network is that it is farily well distributed so once you have a rough location it should be possible to use other KiWi's closer to the suspected location to obtain a more accurate fix. Alternatively lots of fixes could be combined to produce a good average.

    In the UK the radio regulatory body (OFCOM) has a distributed network of 24 remote receiver sites with 20MHz to 3/6GHz DF capability. I believe this uses Keysight / Aligent N6841A units as demo'd in the video linked below.

    Some more background info can be found here

    Some of the research before OFCOM deployed the current network.

    Token - I could add a PPS marker to my KiWi which could be switched in by means of the antenna switch option if this would help with any project. I think Peter, G3PLX, came up with this idea some time ago and I'm keeping him informed about the KiWi enhancements WRT TOA DF'ing as I know this was (and may still be) of interest to the IARU and other National Societies.


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • HF Broadcast Schedules


    Whilst obtaining the data to answer Ron's question regarding DRM broadcasts, it got me thinking.........

    There is a very comprehensive list of HF broadcast schedules listed at http://www.hfcc.org/data/b17/

    I wonder how feasible it would be to parse this and populate a DX.json file (or similar) of broadcast stations from this information ? The DX tags could then change according to time date and BC schedule a bit like the IBP tags.

    The transmission schedules change with seasons, so this could be updated as and when required.


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • Good DRM Decodes - Radio Romania International - 7235KHz

    Hi All,

    Good DRM decodes this evening from Radio Romania International - 7235KHz - SNR Tiganesti E1, Tiganesti, Romania


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • New Owner Questions [S-meter OV, audio underruns, tags, GPS sensitivity]

    Hi Kevin,

    1. On the S-Meter, even with a low signal report, I get the "OV" light up, is this normal, and should I worry about it?

    It indicates ADC overload, if you look on the spectrum display you may find some broadcast signals are above the -30dB line. An attenuator, or better still notch filters will help with this.

    2. Occasionally the web page (with my SDR) stops with "audio underrun", I have to refresh the page, and it's back to normal. Is this happening because I am using something else on my PC? (running through Chrome). Checking the log, does show this error message.

    It happens occasionally some browsers are more prone to it than others. 

    3. I notice the tags at the top of the frequency, is it possible to easily to add my own tags, or are they imported from a source file?

    Shift left click on the banner above the waterfall.

    4. I need to put the GPS antenna outside, as it does not show any acquired signals.

    The supplied antenna is not the best. It does work, but it's much better if it is placed outside.

    Most of this is covered in the on-line guide http://kiwisdr.com/quickstart/


    Martin - G8JNJ

  • Noise Blanker and Noise Reduction

    Hi Emmanuel,

    I had some noise today and I found that turning the AGC off and manually setting the gain seemed to help with impulse interference.


    Martin - G8JNJ