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Tracking Tuned Frequency and Changes

Pre-empting the arrival of a KiwiSDR2 I am looking at a means of collecting the tuned frequency of each or any RX every minute. The aim is to correlate decoded ICAO SELCALs to the frequency from which they were received. I then store this info for my own edification in a MariaDB store for displaying on my web server. SELCALs are timestamped and decoded using MultiPSK.

Looking at the kiwi.local:8073/user output which I can't test or emulate except for the snippet of information in this thread from 2019 ( ) I am hoping that the option of using the kiwi.local:8073/user output is still valid and still provides a JSON output similar to this that I have made up:



From this I can echo and awk and concatenate the required date, time, receiver channel and frequency into CSV for databasing.

If the output is any different I would be grateful id someone could post in reply an output from their Kiwi when running this command:

curl -S   http://kiwi.local:8073/users


Michael, Palmerston North, NZ


  • It still works. Since that post new fields were added:

    c: SAM carrier freq, else zero

    ca: number of campers on this channel

    fo: freq offset (i.e. when downconverter used for rx above 30 MHz)

    nc: notify channel (debugging aid)

    ns: notify sequence (debugging aid)

    rn: time remaining in seconds (complement to rs field)

    wf: 1 = waterfall-only connection (e.g. kiwirecorder)

    From the Beagle/Linux or a Mac you can get a more readable output with:

    curl -s (ip_or_hostname):8073/users | json_pp -t dumper



      a => "",

      c => 0,

      ca => 0,

      e => "HFDL",

      f => 8921000,

      fo => 0,

      g => "Tauranga,%20New%20Zealand",

      i => 0,

      m => "iq",

      n => "ZL4VO%2fKF6VO",

      nc => 0,

      ns => 0,

      rn => 0,

      rs => "0:00:00",

      rt => 0,

      t => "0:01:40",

      wf => 0,

      z => 8



      a => "",

      c => 0,

      ca => 0,

      e => "",

      f => 10000000,

      fo => 0,

      g => "Tauranga,%20New%20Zealand",

      i => 1,

      m => "am",

      n => "ZL4VO%2fKF6VO",

      nc => 0,

      ns => 0,

      rn => 0,

      rs => "0:00:00",

      rt => 0,

      t => "0:01:21",

      wf => 0,

      z => 8



      i => 2



      i => 3



  • All good @jks I'll dig deeper when the receiver arrives.


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