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No audio or frequency selection? [fixed in v1.421]

edited December 2020 in Problems Now Fixed
Please help: I got brand new KiwiSDR online yesterday and it worked fine, but during the night it has gone to a mode, which doesn't allow frequency to be selected and there is no audio and waterfall shows no signals. I have booted everything, power switched on and off, forced build etc, I don't know what to do.
Thanks, Mauno


  • You may have made a mis-edit in the admin set up... this is a clue

  • Right, but what kind of and where? And how did appear by itself during the night?
  • edited October 2020
    I suggest you review each of the admin tabs and watch for things that look odd or wrong, and correct them if noted. From my own experience, a simple typo can cause really odd behavior that might not be noted until you browser refreshes or the cache in it changes. I have experienced that kind of thing when bringing a new kiwi online.
  • Thanks, I'll try, but I can't think of anything more. As said, it appeared unattended and it is the same with other browsers and every computer in subnet and elsewhere.
  • Waterfall runs for a while without audio or signals and the it adds "?#" after the URL like this:
  • on the admin webpage tab, did you add something in the additional html box?
  • Yes, I tested a text, but took it away, because it didn't work well
  • Maybe that caused the problem. I guess I should delete the admin page and start from the scratch. But where is the admin setup and how can I delete it?
  • I am traveling with limited Internet access, so this is difficult for me to look at.

    But if you look at the browser console you can see right away that there are serious problems. I don't know why yet.
  • jksjks
    edited October 2020
    So, I got past one problem. On the admin "webpage" tab you can't have the "photo height" tab be blank. That causes the user page to fail to load. I don't know why we haven't stumbled across this bug before. Anyway, something to fix.

    But the larger issue is this: it appears that none of the "tasks" within the code are running, i.e. sound, waterfall, GPS tracking. This is totally bizarre. I can't imagine off hand what's going on. And that thing about typing something in the frequency box and having it appear appended to a reloaded URL is totally bizarre too.

    Every time I try and take a vacation we get stuff like this.. :/
  • jksjks
    edited October 2020
    And now, all of a sudden, it's working? (also, seems to have been rebooted).
    Mauno, did you change anything? I would really like to understand the actual problem here.
  • So another problem is a DEFECTIVE NETWORK ENVIRONMENT. The DNS server ip returned by the router DHCP never answers any queries -- complete silence. This is a network configuration fail and not my problem. As soon as I added a Google DNS server the timezone got set and a bunch of other stuff started working.
  • Sorry, John, I didn't notice your comments, I thought I would get an alert to my email, but not. The error I did was found by Colin Newell: when calibrating and being tired I for some reason had concluded, that the GPS receiver that comes with is an External ADC clock! I also didn't read the warning, the symptoms fitted well to it of course and I am so sorry for disturbing you.
  • jksjks
    edited October 2020
    Today's update (v1.415) prevents bad entries from being made in the "photo height" field.

    And also appends the well-known DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf so that if your primary (e.g. DHCP-supplied) DNS is not responsive the backup should answer.

    Let me understand the last problem please: on the admin page "config" tab you switched "External ADC clock?" from "No" (default) to "Yes" without actually supplying an external clock to the J5 connector? Well, that would explain a lot. Maybe I have to add a "missing clock" circuit now to the FPGA. :/
  • Sorry, John, I didn't notice your comments, I thought I would get an alert to my email, but not. The error I did was found by Colin Newell: when calibrating and being tired I for some reason had concluded, that the GPS receiver that comes with is an External ADC clock! I also didn't read the warning, the symptoms fitted well to it of course and I am so sorry for disturbing you.
  • jksjks
    edited October 2020
    I was hoping for an answer to my question, not a repeat of your last response (which I didn't fully understand).
  • Please don't blame me: I sent the message yesterday, but when I came here today, the text was in "Post comment" position, although I had definitely sent it yesterday, I don't thin that is my fault?
  • I probably tried to get rid of corrupt html text by setting photo height to 0. Sorry again, I didn't mean to be a bug tester.
    The second line I don't understand.
    Yes, I switched External ADC clock to Yes, because in my tired mind when calibrating I somehow connected the additional GPS receiver and external ADC clock (well, GPS receiver gives time :-)) with each other, without understanding what an ADC clock is. Yes, a dangerous button.
  • Hello
    I will add that the same effect causes NO error in html, only incorrect entry by the administrator in the Config tab, if in the "Waterfall min (dBFS, fully zoomed-out)" window you enter the same or higher value as in the "Waterfall" window max (dBFS) "eg: -105 then Kiwi causes the browser to freeze or slow down but only for normal users. If you are an admin and you start your kiwi with the browser in which you entered and remembered your password, you will fire it without any problem. Additionally, ghosts marked as "(no ident) (unknow location) 1000khz AM" will appear in the panel under the USERS tab for a few seconds and want to get to your Kiwi
    Regards, Artur SDR Plonsk
  • jksjks
    edited November 2020
    @Artur: Fixed in v1.421. Existing configurations where min >= max are forced to min = -110, max = -10 to unlock Kiwis that are currently hanging. And an error message is shown if you attempt to subsequently set min >= max on the admin config page.
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