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Alternative DRM schedule access?

Hi All

I run the online DRM database at the DRM Reception Project website,

I use this schedule to update my copies of Dream automatically (Dream reads the URLs directly).

I'd like to use the same database in my own KiwiSDRs, but I can't figure out how, if
it is at all possible, to stop them looking at the database.

Anyone is welcome to make use of the schedules at

73 Chris


  • Hi Chris.

    I did not know about this. I'm in the middle of getting a new release together, so let me try adding a database choice menu to the DRM extension UI. Should be relatively easy. Thanks for having a .cjson (JSON with comments) format file. That will make my job much easier.

  • Hi John - the syntax of my cjson may not be 100% correct at the moment. I just based it on what I saw in the stations.cjson files on my own Kiwis. Our "regions" are different to yours at the moment too. Not sure if that will be a problem. I'm happy to tweak the code I use, or add fields to the database, to make life easier all round.

    Cheers, Chris
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