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periodic drop-out with ver. 1.240 ? [fixed in v1.241]

edited October 2018 in Problems Now Fixed
Hi, since updating to 1.240 there are more or less peridiocally repeating drop-outs, having duration between a half and 2 seconds and a repetition rate between one and 15 minutes. It can be seen in S-Meter graph, see appended image. It isn't any static, I double-checked in comparision to other SDRs, I also made sure that it isn't any problem with antenna electronics by changing the antenna. Also, it shouldn't be a network problem, because it happens even when connecting KiwiSDR by cable (KiwiSDR-Router-PC).

Did anyone else noticed that problem?




  • yes, same here.
    Using Chrome with Mac-OSx. Same issue occurs with Firefox.
    Occurs on several KiwiSDR, I suppose they are all at 1.240 version
  • some addition: it only affects the audio and s-meter, the waterfall is not distorted.
  • yes, correct
  • .. but it just stops continuing for the moments the drop-outs occur, so it seems to be kind of missing data.
  • I get the same since 1.240 upgrade. Every 10-20 minutes short popping sounds like a loose antenna connection at the coax outside, except it isn't because the waterfall looks normal. Audio comes back with a delayed climb to normal level as if AGC is involved. Using Edge browser as have had filter and distorted audio issues with Chrome for weeks now. (That's a separate issue which I hoped someone else would report, but I guess it's just me.)

    73, Bob
  • I just noticed this happening as well, using Safari on the Mac as the browser. I hear it listening to my own KiwiSDR using the local network address.
  • There was a change made in v1.240 that fixes one problem for the guys making >= 6 kiwiclient connections for use with the external WSPR processing script. But it involved making a "risky" change to the task priority of the internal web server of the Kiwi. I was very worried this might cause problems with the real-time response of the audio tasks. And, despite all my testing, this now seems to be the case.

    So I'll revert that change in today's update and hopefully that will fix it. We'll have to find some other solution for the WSPR guys.
  • I'd be happy with a NO GUI option. Just 8 (or more) channels that could only be accessed by kiwiclient etc.
  • There is a "no GUI" option. Don't make a browser connection! The internal web server is used for much more than serving files related to the GUI.
  • jksjks
    edited October 2018
    Okay, v1.241 reverts all these changes and fixes another problem I found.
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