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  • 30 min disconnection!?!?


    Thank you for illustrating the whole generational stereotype.
    Very funny, made my morning.

    OK here is the real answer:
    These radios are things people have bought themselves, a few hundred dollars of investment initially, then add, buying and putting up antennas, sorting out noise issues even changing what we do around the house to help the radio perform well. Then we share them for people who are interested, want to listen to radio in another location, or who themselves cannot set up such a radio, we don’t get anything back for that other than thinking that perhaps someone has benefited a little.

    If the location is good, and the radio set up well then the limited number of slots is soon used up, it’s not like a streaming radio where numbers are almost unlimited it’s just a few users at any one time and each one takes up a chunk of our internet bandwidth. The way to allow everyone to get a little for testing is to limit connection time, 30 minutes is pretty extreme but you must be looking at a very popular Kiwi (mine is set at eight hours).

    If you come to KiwiSDR with the wrong assumptions it does seem strange, if you realise these are real people trying to help each other for “good will” alone it may make sense, these are not streaming radio services. You may be able to find a less popular Kiwi that also picks up what you are looking to record they may have no time limit or a much longer one than 30 minutes.
  • Noise at roughly 60 KHz intervals

    It would be interesting to test both the ethernet cable and the supply to the Nano router with a few turns through ferrite.

    This is a remarkable difference so I assume the Kiwi is also physicaly very close to the antenna?
    If the setup is that sensitive it is probably also seeing other, less obvious noise.

    I tend to purchase clip on ferrite for 11-13mm cable then add those to any cables around the Kiwi and close to the antenna.
    Pass as many turns through the ferrite as will physically fit. Run the waterfall a little slower and make sure there is a decent bit of "before" prior to any changes.
    One advantage of the Kiwi is that the user can have a phone right beside the cable or item under test.
    I also leave another device on at the same time with the full span waterfall at half speed, I check that later to confirm any improvement.

    I spent far too long doing that but it does mean now that my setup is reasonably resilient in a noise prone location (terraced houses).
  • Kiwi BBAI software installation instructions [updated 4-Mar-24]


    Or scroll to the bottom, look for Blue page numbers "<< 1 2 3 4 >>", go to 1.
  • rx.linkfanel.net receiver map moving to Leaflet

    sibamanna holds old data, mine is listed but as it was configured perhaps six months ago.
    To be honest I didn't know it was back up.
    I have emailed the guy in the past and he was quite helpful but I guess this is not something he gets enough payback to work on.
  • Kiwi BBAI software installation instructions [updated 4-Mar-24]

    Anecdotal -

    I did try powering through the USB-C and was not happy with the component heating behind the input, it also does not take advantage of the DC filtering on the Kiwi.
    If you try it measure temperatures and noise levels.
    I can't remember exactly what was heating but the thermal image just "looked wrong".