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  • release v1.72/73: WSPR decoder improvements, control panel hide button

    Strong signals often cause weaker "images" at different frequencies in the WSPR display. The underlying cause is still not understood. But now spots with the same callsign will only have the strongest one uploaded to prevent polluting the database. You'll still see multiple spots in the WSPR viewer because they are displayed incrementally as they are decoded. But at the end only the strongest non-duplicates will be uploaded.

    A multi-pass scheme has been implemented to help decode weaker signals. After the first pass any remaining signals will be rerun through the decoder with increased effort parameters (that take more decoding time) until the full two minute decoding interval is exhausted. Previously decoding was stopped after only one pass.

    The main KiwiSDR control panel at the bottom right of the window finally has a "hide" button at the top right like the other panels. This should be helpful for iPad and other mobile device users.

  • How do you use your SDR

    I'd also like to know how many people are reluctant to make their Kiwi public due to bandwidth consumption concerns. Either because their Internet service has a low monthly cap (several to tens of GB) or because the Kiwi doesn't yet have tools for displaying and throttling bandwidth use.

  • ipad iOS bandwidth adjustment [v1.67 touch events added]

    In the v1.67 release I added some touch event support. So now if you zoom in sufficiently you should be able to touch-drag on the passband edges to change the bandwidth. You can also drag across the frequency scale to move the passband smoothly. tapping anywhere will set the frequency. Dragging outside the frequency scale (waterfall, spectrum, etc.) will shift the waterfall.

    It doesn't work perfectly but it's a big improvement. Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android.

  • ipad iOS bandwidth adjustment [v1.67 touch events added]

    In the v1.67 release I added some touch event support. So now if you zoom in sufficiently you should be able to touch-drag on the passband edges to change the bandwidth. You can also drag across the frequency scale to move the passband smoothly. tapping anywhere will set the frequency. Dragging outside the frequency scale (waterfall, spectrum, etc.) will shift the waterfall.

    It doesn't work perfectly but it's a big improvement. Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android.

  • Location Error when logging in [geolocation database errors]

    Oh, you mean the geo-location for your ip address that appears in the status window at the lower left. Yes, this happens on occasion. The Kiwi software has to connect to an external site to translate the ip address of the visiting user to their physical location. Occasionally the database of these external sites seem to get messed up. It should fix itself in a day or so.
