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ipad iOS bandwidth adjustment [v1.67 touch events added]

edited April 2017 in KiwiSDR Discussion
Can anyone tell me how to adjust the bandwith when using KiwiSDR on an iPad or other iOS device? I cannot seem to adjust the slider to increase the SSB bandwith. I can do it with a mouse on a desktop PC, but not on the iOS devices.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.



  • In the v1.67 release I added some touch event support. So now if you zoom in sufficiently you should be able to touch-drag on the passband edges to change the bandwidth. You can also drag across the frequency scale to move the passband smoothly. tapping anywhere will set the frequency. Dragging outside the frequency scale (waterfall, spectrum, etc.) will shift the waterfall.

    It doesn't work perfectly but it's a big improvement. Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android.

  • Seems to work fine on my iPad. Thank you for addressing this so quickly! Now I can enjoy listening to the ESSB guys at full fidelity!

  • One other question, now that I think of it - On my iPhone, the screen doesn't seem to scale correctly. Not sure if that is the proper term, but basically, when accessing the KiwiSDR page via the iPhone, the actual device screen is too small to see the entire page, and I can not get to the area where one would directly enter in the frequency, as well as a few other important locations. Whether I use portrait or landscape views, the problem persists. I tried to see if there were any settings in Safari or Chrome on the device, but nothing that I could fine that controls screen scaling.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks again.

  • Yes, there are serious problems on the iPhone. All the browsers I've tried have special optimizations that I think I have to account for in my code. But I only have a small-screen iPhone and it's basically impossible to use and so very difficult to develop with. I was going to hold off until a larger effort is made to design a true mobile interface. A third-party has been prototyping an app for Android which is very promising.

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