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  • AMPRNet/Network 44 with KiwiSDR

    There are a few public Kiwis listed using 44/8 addresses:
    kiwi-kuo.aprs.fi:8073		Kuopio, Eastern Finland		SM5YLG, SWEDEN
    kiwi-vih.aprs.fi:8073		Vihti, Southern Finland
    www.websdr.at:8073              OE4XLC, AUSTRIA
    The "stats" tab for these might have an Owner/Admin email link where you could ask for advice.
  • New KiwSDR can't access local Browsers [fixed, power quality issue]

    Seeed had a batch of BBGs with bad Ethernet phy chips a while back (or bad magnetics in the RJ45 causing phy problems -- it was never clear). Although I thought it was more than a year ago. So if this was a Kiwi purchased from drop.com a year ago that's been sitting in the box ever since then it's quite possible it has a BBG with the known defect.
  • BeagleBone AI

    Well, you can force the AI to run at 500 MHz. But the Kiwi server may have problems at that clock rate. From a shell window (via ssh/PuTTY connection or admin console tab) use the command "cf5". Then "cf" to check that it actually switched. Remember that the BBB/BBG runs at 1 GHz (fixed).

    Other commands are:
    cf15 = 1.5 GHz
    cf11 = 1.176 GHz
    cf1  = 1 GHz
  • New out of box KIWI updating issue. Compiles the same files over and over again. [git fetch issue]

    v1.377 contains a fallback that retries the git pull using a fixed ip address for github.com. Interestingly, about half way through checking the fix on Tony's Kiwi the git pull to github.com (using the domain name) started working. So that means this was probably a mirror server configuration issue by Github as opposed to an ISP issue. Anyway, the fix is in and will hopefully save someone some grief in the future.
  • Kiwi BBAI software installation instructions [updated 4-Mar-24]

    I don't know. If there is no code running that requires GPU cycles then I can't imaging it burns any power on its own just sitting idle.