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  • DRM Heard

    List updated to include new CNR frequencies: 15440, 17660, 17725, 17745, 17845, 17790
  • OK, What is this giant signal?

    50 kHz wide? Good reception of a Russian or Chinese OTHR no doubt. You can better confirm this by zooming all the way in (z14) and looking for a "picket fence" structure to the signal on the spectrum display.
  • DANGER: DO NOT do a manual Debian/Linux upgrade to your Kiwi! (update: but it's okay now)

    So it appears the Debian project and Beaglebone.org have stopped making updates to the Debian 8 (Jessie) release. For the Beagle, Debian 8.11 seems to be the last release. It has been run by a number of customers for a long time and also by us. So it seems safe now for Kiwi owners generally to do an upgrade and get the benefit of whatever security patches there have been between 8.5 and 8.11.

    To do this login as root using ssh/PuTTY and use the following commands. (this can not be done from the Kiwi admin console tab)
    If you haven't logged in this way in a while remember that your Debian root password has likely been changed to either the Kiwi admin password or the Kiwi's serial number if no Kiwi admin password has been set. The Debian root password has not been touched if you had set it to something other than the default of having no password.
    See this post for details: http://forum.kiwisdr.com/discussion/1801/v1-354-security-improvements-debian-root-password-no-longer-unset-blank
    mst      (stops the Kiwi server)
    pkup     (shell alias for "apt-get -y install debian-archive-keyring; apt-get update")
    pkug     (shell alias for "apt-get -y dist-upgrade")
    (lots of output, takes roughly 10 minutes)
    A few minutes after the reboot the Kiwi server should be responding again. If you login to the Beagle and type the "dog" command you should see:
    Debian 8.11
    BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2016-05-13
    Linux kiwisdr 4.4.9-ti-r25 #1 SMP Thu May 5 23:08:13 UTC 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
    There is still the open question of how the Kiwi distribution, and thousands of Kiwi customers, will migrate to the current Debian 9 (Stretch) and/or Debian 10 (Buster) releases which are available for the Beagle. This needs time for research as there are many issues involved.
  • DPRK DRM testing

    The DRM mistuning detection is extremely good. Screenshot below is Radio Marti, received in PA, mistuned by +1 kHz (!) It locks and decodes fine. It also probably helps that they are running a very conservative configuration.

    The DRM spec has a little more information about the frequency pilot cells, section 8.4.2, page 121, http://kiwisdr.com/files/DRM/DRM.spec.v4.1.2.pdf

  • Get a URL to the KiwiSDR with the current frequency, mode, and zoom?

    "/?ext=drm" since DRM is both a mode and an extension. Use e.g. "drm,3965" to select one of the preset frequencies.

    I can't remember why DRM can't be used as a mode selection in the URL. Some problem that was too difficult to fix no doubt.