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Default colormap [added in v1.414]

edited October 2020 in KiwiSDR Discussion
Would it be possible that from the admin page I could define "default colormap"? Why? Because I like the SdrDx so much that it would be nice to put it as default. It is the most usable in every way for me.


  • jksjks
    edited October 2020
    I also really like the SdrDx colormap. Let me add a default setting. You can currently specify the colormap to use as a URL parameter, e.g. my_kiwi:8073/?cmap=5 (SdrDx is the 5th entry in the colormap menu) This only has to be done once because the value will be remembered in a browser cookie. Same as when you change the menu entry.

    Having a global colormap setting as one of the "user preferences" (future feature) would be better of course. Then it would be applied automatically to every Kiwi you visit (as a user) globally. Note that a new admin "initial colormap" config setting would only set the default for users (including yourself) that visit your Kiwi.
  • jksjks
    edited October 2020
    Okay, added in today's v1.414 release.
  • Thanks for adding the ability to set the default color map. btw - I also really like the SdrDx mapping. Perhaps because I am a long time SdrDx user :)
  • Me gusta mucho!
  • I'm reviving this thread because I wanted to set such a color map

    how to create it? my fiddling with the colormap tab doesn't have that effect. Or maybe it would be possible to implement such a color bar for kiwi and adjust it freely, as in this example from my sdr transmitter


  • Have you tried using the Custom Colourmap Extension to define your own?

  • yes but drawing with lines or RGB points in this window didn't give me a satisfactory waterfall look, unless there is some other way that I don't know about?

  • Hi all,

    I also like this color scale. May be, these profiles are a useful base ?

    (The red end is a saturation indicator)

    [ For my first post, congratulations and thanks to the -whole- "Kiwi" community, and first of all to John ! ]

    73, Thierry.

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