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  • Command MU

    mu is an alias for make users And doing make -n users reveals that it does a:
    zcat /var/log/user.log.4.gz > /tmp/kiwi.log;
    zcat /var/log/user.log.3.gz >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    zcat /var/log/user.log.2.gz >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    cat /var/log/user.log.1 >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    cat /var/log/user.log >> /tmp/kiwi.log;
    cat /tmp/kiwi.log | grep -i leaving | grep -vi kf6vo | grep -vi 192.168.1
    rm -f /tmp/kiwi.log
    So /var/log/user.* are the log files you'd want to search and copy information from. As usual with Unix there are a dozen different ways of doing this sort of thing depending on the result you want.
  • Default colormap [added in v1.414]

    Okay, added in today's v1.414 release.
  • Redirect to the next kiwisdr.

    Apparently this happens when the last free slot is trying to occupy 2 users at the same time.
    I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Do you mean when two users are trying to connect simultaneously to the last channel of the first Kiwi in a redirected chain? (e.g. channel #4 of a 4-channel Kiwi1 that re-directs to Kiwi2). The redirection code was tested pretty carefully. But of course that doesn't mean there isn't a bug someplace.

    Also, it would be nice at the time of the update to keep the ability to redirect to the next kiwi instead of the “update” message, if it's real.
    That's an interesting idea. Hadn't occurred to me before.
  • Redirect to the next kiwisdr.

    Apparently this happens when the last free slot is trying to occupy 2 users at the same time.
    I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Do you mean when two users are trying to connect simultaneously to the last channel of the first Kiwi in a redirected chain? (e.g. channel #4 of a 4-channel Kiwi1 that re-directs to Kiwi2). The redirection code was tested pretty carefully. But of course that doesn't mean there isn't a bug someplace.

    Also, it would be nice at the time of the update to keep the ability to redirect to the next kiwi instead of the “update” message, if it's real.
    That's an interesting idea. Hadn't occurred to me before.
  • Proxy service down or unstable [currently okay]

    @Jimo: Not so simple. Not because of the actual code issues, but because of the validation and deployment issues (as usual). Can you imagine the disruption? Especially if something goes wrong?

    This is probably best handled when there is the eventual need to open a second proxy server (we're getting close and it will probably be in the EU). That way the migration can be done in a controlled way.