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South West UK
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  • A bit more information for those interested in Wave Radars, cut an pasted links from discussions on other sites. CODAR and WERA (now Helzel) are very similar systems, and I think that folks tend to call all of them CODAR, a bit like some brand names…
  • They are Wave Radars, and sweep across the frequency range at a rate of approx 4Hz (250mS). The ones you are hearing are most likely located at the Hook of Holland and Dyfamed in France, but there are likely to be other sources as it is a common fre…
  • Using opto isolators is sensible, but there is a lot of switching noise on the GPIO lines, that can produce unwanted RF noise. So It's still a good idea to add RC filter networks at the point of exit from the KiWi case. Regards, Martin
  • Some previous notes here about using the GPIO port. https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/7539 Regards, Martin
  • I'm also seeing it now too. I have set "Number of simultaneous channels available for connection by non-Kiwi apps" to none, but it is still trying to tune to the 8942 HFDL frequency for ten seconds before it is kicked off. The IP is chang…
  • Hi Philippe, The thread is pretty general, so it's easy to become confused. Incidentally, I forgot to mention, if you are planning running two KiWi's from the same supply, as the original question. Use separate inductors and capacitors on the output…
  • Everything is inside the box as shown by the dotted line.
  • Philippe's comments are valid, but more related to Linear convertors / regulators. This is what I did, but it is for a switching DC-DC convertor running at around 1MHz. https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/733/FPYEAJNKM7UZ.png The capacitors were 10…
  • I should have clarified the way it works a bit better. Pushing the mouse wheel down whilst rotating it enables the opposite mode to the default that has been chosen. in OpenWebRX. Having the possibility to tune using the mouse opens up other possibi…
  • When using OpenWebRX, the user can define if they wish the mouse wheel to tune or zoom by default, and the opposite action is achieved by holding down the mouse wheel. I must admit that I find being able to swap between the two becomes intuitive pre…
  • I'd be tempted to try that one. The roll off is quite steep, and the loss over the amateur part of 10m is not too bad. However, the Comet CF-30MR seems to be an option, as it has a claimed 50dB attenuation at 40MHz. Note not the CF-30S version, whic…
  • Unfortunately, a single Mini-Circuits LPF may not have a sharp enough cut-off. Approx. 10dB attenuation at 40MHz and 30dB at 50MHz https://www.minicircuits.com/pages/s-params/BLP-30+_GRAPHS.pdf Regards, Martin
  • Ah, I thought that change had been in preparation for some new mode buttons. Wishful thinking :on my part :-) Regards, Martin
  • Agreed, it could probably be done with an external browser or other add-on application, although this is not so handy when using different devices. It was only a thought / suggestion, as the idea had occurred to me when switching between AM and NBFM…
  • That's an interesting observation. I don't use the WF Auto-Scale and prefer to adust all the kWi's I use to -110 / -20 when fully zoomed out, so that I can quickly compare signal levels between them in a consistent manner. However, I do get the imp…
    in v1.679 Comment by G8JNJ May 13
  • Hi John, For me, it's been like that for as long as I can remember, and well before any recent versions. But I just thought it was something odd that I was doing, and that may be the case. But I'm not tabbing or pressing enter, just typing text when…
    in v1.679 Comment by G8JNJ May 12
  • I thought it was just me, as I have occasionally observed similar problems whilst using DX tab editing (not the edit panel table), but I assumed I'd just mistyped something, or pressed the Ctrl key or similar. It seems to be an unfortunate key combi…
    in v1.679 Comment by G8JNJ May 12
  • The WSPR net database used to have a lot of problems with upload capacity. !0MHz is one of the more popular WSPR bands, and I wonder if this could be related to the time period after the 2 minute cycle, when the spots are uploaded. I wonder if it …
  • Have you got one of the more recent filter plates fitted as your phone line master socket, or are you still using separate micro filters ? Openreach™ MK4 VDSL Plate & NTE5C Master Socket https://www.bttorj45.com/vdsl-adsl-nte-filtered-faceplates…
  • I wonder if some of the Plane spotter apps are starting to use KiWi's to aggregate HFDL data, as they already do for ADBS and ACARS VDL etc. Regards, Martin
  • The noise squelch is enabled automatically for NBFM modes, but as you have noticed the hysteresis is not brilliant on some types of signals. CB is also bad because you get so many co-channel signals, which sometimes cause heterodynes that 'fool' th…
  • Yes it's pretty bad today. My FlyDog sdr SNR score is 11 dB 7 dB at position 541 on the http://rx.linkfanel.net/snr.html list Wessex Flydog - G8JNJ - 0-62MHz - South West UK But I'm usually up in the top ten. Solar noise bursts are also occurring in…
  • Ah OK, well done Roger Richard, excellent remote diagnostics, I hadn't thought of that possibility. Regards, Martin Edit - Ooop,s sorry Richard, a senior moment on my part.
  • If you already have a signal generator and are not worried about the calibration accuracy. Use CW and measure the peak signal level with the dBm scale digital S-Meter, and compare that against the level of the noise floor with the generator connecte…
  • OK I suspect it is related to the CIC filter changes that were made between versions. There was an issue with the original filter causing problems within the receive passband, this resulted in unwanted signals on adjacent channels interfering with w…
  • What is the noise floor dBm reading on the digital S-Meter with the RF input disconnected ? Does it vary between software versions ? Regards, Martin
  • Hi John, How about an auto speed up after the button has been held for a while, a bit like setting the time on some digital clocks. Just a thought... Regards, Martin
    in v1.677 Comment by G8JNJ May 5
  • The Utah Web sdr's have very large antennas, and a complex distribution system with lots of additional filters. This is an example of a distribution diagram for the Northern Utah web sdr's. http://www.sdrutah.org/info/WebSDR_Block_Diagram_1f.gif Reg…
  • I'm not sure where you are located, but I think you have been unlucky to encounter this problem. I monitor the VHF Low bands, and would be interested to know what you are hearing. http://wessex.hopto.org:8075 Generally speaking, the Low VHF bands ar…
  • The waterfalls may look different if you have used different settings for FFT filter and averaging. The 11.6 dB value in the earlier version I think is derived from the calibration values. So if that doesn't match your 13dB setting, there is possibl…