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- Christoph
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Yes, unfortunately, gr-kiwisdr is for an old version of GNURadio and needs updating. You can always use for recording IQ files and then analyze these in GNURadio.
Hi @G8JNJ , you should be able to determine if this is a problem internal to the KiwiSDR by using the signal generator, e.g., running the signal generator in RX0 and S_meter in either of RX1,2,3. 73s, Christoph
The problem occurs only in the 1st channel (RX0) and unfortunately I cannot reproduce it in my setup. Signal levels: the gain of the FIR filter is 1, so the change in levels comes from the fact that the 2nd CIC filter has half decimation rate w.r.t.…
- The RCA CR-88 restoration series is great.
I'm interested. Thank you for all your work. 73 Christoph
There's a future branch using pybind11. It has the same issue, i.e., not exposing the number of used input samples. The way to go is probably to use the callback interface. This implies to have one additional thread per connection.
I'm sorry, I missed this. Where is this stated? (for future reference) Here is my pull request which never got merged:
per Christoph as of today "The python libsamplerate module is broken" More precisely, because the processing is done in chunks, as opposed to using the callback interface, there can be gaps, because libsamplerate may not use all input samp…
Hi Rob, see as an example of how to use the GNSS timestamps. The timestamps are derived from the GNSS position solution done on the KiwiSDR. Basically there are extended WAV headers containing the timestamp for every 5…
Hi Ben, the squelch threshold in the KiwiSDR web interface is in absolute units and the one in is relative to a moving average. Can you try again with a threshold of 15 dB? I'd also advise to use the option --agc-yaml=fast_agc.yaml. …
@rrobinet Thanks a lot for making the KPH KiwiSDRs available again! It's just in time for catching NDBs from the Pacific region around local sunrise. The image below is for today 13:30 UTC (from As you can see, this time of the yea…
The KiwiSDR maximum available BW per channel is 12 kHz (20.25 kHz in 3-channel mode) which is not enough for wideband FM.
I agree with Christoph. Take the vulnerabilities of the browser, virtual audio cable, etc. out of the recording equation using kiwiclient/kiwirecorder. You can still monitor in parallel with a browser connection. But any problems there shouldn't eff…
@DazDSP I'd use kiwiclient for the kind of monitoring you are doing.
I agree with @jks. The dominant source of error is ionospheric propagation. In addition, not all KiwiSDRs report their position accurately, i.e., their positions are either put manually by the owners or get rounded in order not to reveal the exact l…
To null, use SAS mode and select the "audio" tab on the main control panel. On the bottom SAM line you should find the "channel null" menu. Select "null LSB" or "null USB". Make sure the PLL carrier is around …
Small correction: as far as I know the squelch feature in was implemented by its original author and not by me.
Thx. Most likely the "enable gps correction for clock" option is not active on this kiwisdr. ( which besides that is excellent for transatlantic MW DX.
I am puzzled by the frequency offset of this KiwiSDR. Despite that fact that GNSS reception seems to be ok there is a large offset. The ADC clock frequency shown in the IQ display window is the default value: ``` ./init/clk.h:#define ADC_CLOCK_TYP …
I had a look at the signal Antonio refers to, and found it to be the same one I described on my blog a while ago. See TDoA and some unfinished attempts at bitstream analysis here and here. Having a quick look it's activity today I noticed 2 transm…
The relevant line in kiwiclient/kiwi/ is def set_agc(self, on=False, hang=False, thresh=-100, slope=6, decay=1000, gain=50): So set_agc(True) corresponds to parameters on=True, hang=False, thresh=-100, slope=6, decay=1000, gain=50
Jimo, you have gnuradio-3.7 installed, so you need to use the maint-3.7 branch, i.e., git checkout maint-3.7
@djacobs (Quote) 1. I followed the method in the ITU report. Note that for all measurements they use the RMS modulation depth. 2. See the comments in the code and the flowgraph: the input consists of FFT coefficients where indices 0:1023 correspon…
(Quote) S/N depends a lot on the kind of signal you are interested in, i.e., I don't think there is a generic solution. You might have a look at the S/N data produced by the WSPR community, see http://wsprd…
see and
I am not sure if GNURadio OOT (out-of-tree) modules do work on Windows unless they come already bundled with the binary Windows GNURadio installation. Are there no binary boost versions for Windows? I'd suggest to use Linux. It should not be too h…
A relevant reference is this one: I am working on implementing the modulation depth RMS estimate from the IQ spectrum (after carrier subtraction with a PLL) in GNURadio.
(Quote) The Kalman filter assumes that the KiwiSDR GPS antenna does not move. Turning off the Kalman filter while moving in a car should help.
(Quote) What is the exact command? (Quote) I tested and it does work. What I had in mind was to be able to use a time limit excemption password in But I see that this possibility was added by John in January this…
(Quote) Is is the same problem as in ?