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GNURadio package gr-kiwisdr



  • edited January 2019
    tried to build the gnuradio stuff on a Linux Mint (Ubuntu) X86 box.... got this:

    Desktop gr-kiwisdr # cmake ../
    CMake Error: The source directory "/home/jim/Apps" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
    Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
  • Can you try this: (in gr-kiwisdr)
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../
    make install

    It's great you are looking into this.
  • edited January 2019
    got this far.... will investigate more later.... I think Boost needs to be upgraded

    Desktop build # cmake ../
    -- Build type not specified: defaulting to release.
    -- Could NOT find Boost
    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:94 (message):
    Boost required to compile kiwisdr
  • What is the boost version on your system and what is the version of Linux Mint you are using? Did you install libboost-all-dev or libboost-dev? Unfortunately a fairly recent boost version (>=1.65) is required by the websocket library (boost.beast).
  • I could struggle through this but it appears the most painless solution is to upgrade Mint. Those are striaght forward but time consuming. I will do that on the weekend. Thanks
  • You may try to build gr-kiwisdr with
    This disables the KiwiSDR websocket client and does not require a recent boost version. Before using this option make sure to pull the latest version from (git pull --rebase origin master)
  • Update: I successfully updated to Mint 19 and installed the other packages needed, and it built. Now to figure out how to use it!
  • Great! To my knowledge you are the first person to successfully install gr-kiwisdr. If you have questions please contact me by email. (Of course I will report back information to this forum)
  • Hi, Christoph.
    I have installed the gr-kiwisdr. The installation was not a large problem on my iMac. The .grc files load fine and the graphics have no missing parts. But when i run the programs it stops after 2 to 3 sec with a runtime error. Any idea. The gnuradio installation works perfect when I use my LimeSDR as signal source.
  • What is the error message? And for which .grc file does it occur?
  • edited February 2019
    Hi Christoph

    I run the 't2_kiwi.grc'
    It Returns the error:
    gr::log :DEBUG: kiwisdr0 - kiwisdr_impl::start

    >>> Done (return code -11)

    and in my KiwiSDR it logs:
    Sun Feb 3 17:54:50 09:34:51.289 ... [00] PWD isLocal_if_ip: flg=0x18 fam=2 socktype=1 proto=6 addrlen=16
    Sun Feb 3 17:54:50 09:34:51.289 ... [00] PWD isLocal_if_ip: TRUE IPv4/4_6 remote_ip ip_client ip_server[IPv4] nm /24 0xffffff00

  • Hi Bjarne,

    Thank you for these details. I can see there is a problem. Please give me some time to fix it.
  • Hi Bjarne,

    I am not sure what the problem is but would suggest to do the following steps (in that order)
    1. Start with grc/kiwisdr_rx.grc
    2. Update to the latest master branch of gr-kiwisdr (git pull --rebase origin master).
    3. Execute once the command volk_profile -R volk_16u_byteswap: On my computer (OSX 10.10.5) I found that if I do not this there is a crash in volk_16u_byteswap which is used in the work function of the KiwiSDR websocket client.
  • edited February 2019
    Hi Christoph
    My gr-kiwisdr where updated yesterday. I have not made any updates today.
    On my computer I am running (OSX 10.14.2)
    Running the command 'volk_profile -R volk_16u_byteswap' solved the problem now is gr-kiwisdr running (What does that command?). Ready for testing :-)
    Both KiwiSDR_rx.grc and t2_kiwi.grc is now working

    Thanks for the help
  • Great!
    Running the command 'volk_profile -R volk_16u_byteswap' solved the problem now is gr-kiwisdr running (What does that command?).

    It determines which of the SIMD kernels implemented in VOLK is fastest. If you run volk_profile without any argument, it does the same for all kernels. The information about the fastest kernel is saved in ~/.volk/volk_profile. VOLK implements the same kernel in more than one way: generic (in C), and in SIMD and possibly using ORC. Instead of assuming that a given SIMD implementation is fastest, the performance of each implementation is measured and the fastest one is used.

    Please let me know which version of GNURadio and boost you have installed, and also please do let me know if something is missing/can be improved in gr-kiwisdr.
  • Hi
    GNURadio v.
    I will inform you if I find any problems
  • Hi Christoph,

    Just got gr-kiwisdr working on Ubuntu 18:10 and grc 3.7.11 thanks to the command: 'volk_profile -R volk_16u_byteswap'

    But before hitting the same problem as Bjarne, I had some difficulties installing from git despite the clear instructions.

    The issue was due to my machine not having all the tool dependencies installed before running cmake. I found and corrected missing dependencies by re-running cmake ../, repeatedly looking for errors, and then installing the missing package. I did this a number of times and messed up.

    Unfortunately, I managed to miss one problem in cmake's output and ran 'make install' on a partial build. This resulted in a faulty Python package in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages that led me a merry dance!

    The solution was to delete all the files in the directory /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/kiwisdr before running 'make install' again. The incorrect file in the package caused the Python import of _kiwisdr_swig to fail silently. Looks as if the gnuradio-companion model is going to work but 'kiwisdr' is flagged as a missing module attribute when the generated python is run.

    I wonder if it is worth mentioning in the git instructions that the users system needs to have git, cmake, swig, doxygen, libboost-pythondev, libboostdev and libcppunit-dev loaded? Also, mention of the volk_profile command, and that in the event of an unwise 'make install', that clearing the python package directory could be necessary to remove unwanted files.

    Good news folks - it works, you just have to get a clean install. Take care cmake has no errors before running 'make install'!

    Many thanks for making gr-kiwisdr available. Much appreciated.

  • Hi Dave,

    thanks a lot for your feedback. is updated.

    Please do let me know if you find any issues/problems.

    Best regards
  • @bbachmann: thank you for your feedback.
  • Hi Christoph,

    Happy to report that gr-kiwisdr is also running fine in a virtual environment. I am running Oracle VM virtualbox on a windows machine and then installed GNU radio on a Ubuntu 18.04.2 Linux platform. Several tries were needed finding out that the older Ubuntu versions are difficult to upgrade to the boost 1.66 web socket. Using the install tips in the github in particular the "volk byteswap" command solved most problems.

    About gr-kiwisdr do you plan to expand the version to multiple kiwi channel access? This would open up the possibility to do some interesting experiments in GNU radio.

    best regards, Ben

    PS: Seems a large part of the later posts deserve to be split off to a separate thread about Kiwi SDR and GNU radio.
  • gr-kiwisdr is working well here Christoph in Linux Mint 19.1

    Built exactly to github instructions and tuned to DDK2 Weather RTTY on 4583 KHz as shown in the attached gr-kiwisdr.jpg

    many thanks

    Andy G3TDJ

  • Here's some codar I recorded using combined 20.25 KHz streams
  • Following an idea by @WA2ZKD, the coherent combination of KiwiSDR streams was tested using a DRM signal. DRM data was successfully decoded from two coherently combined IQ data streams where the boundary between the two data streams was centered on the center frequency of the DRM signal.

    See also
  • Hello, we were working on seismograph university project that requires to add kiwisdr block to gnuradio. However, when we were trying to run it, the whole app just crashed. We followed all the tips and steps above and successfully installed kiwisdr block. We just need to figure out what is missing in the program. Could you please advise what we should do?
    - OS: Ubuntu v18.04
    - GNURadio v3.7.13.5
    - Latest swig, cmake, and boost

    Thank you,
  • Christoph is the expert, but he may have called it a day there in Poland!
  • Hello, we were working on seismograph university project that requires to add kiwisdr block to gnuradio. However, when we were trying to run it, the whole app just crashed. We followed all the tips and steps above and successfully installed kiwisdr block. We just need to figure out what is missing in the program. Could you please advise what we should do?

    Is is the same problem as in ?
  • I'm trying to install boost but the sources out there are confusing me. What's the simplest way to install boost on Windows?
  • I have. All I really want is the kiwi_wav_source block and nothing else. I ran with the command cmake -DENABLE_KIWI_WS_CLIENT=OFF ../, but it still fails saying it needs at least boost version 1.48. I saw from a previous comment that pulling from the master branch could fix this, but I'm using gnuradio version 3.7 so I can only pull from the maint-3.7 branch.

    Is the master branch the only way to install without requiring boost? If so that would mean I need to install a new version of GNURadio.
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