How can I contact a particular KiwiSDR receive station?

I would like to find out how a particular KiwiSDR receive station manages to be so sensitive and have such a low noise level. How do I contact that station? I want to make my station quieter to hear weaker signals.


  • edited October 2023

    Easiest ways ::

    1/ At the Kiwi main control panel (the one with the frequeny and mode selections) click on STAT and then on owner/admin which likely starts your default email client with the email adddress of the operator already filled in.

    2/ append the kiwi url with /status after the port number (usually 8073) and read the op_email from the top part of the status report.

    Good luck


  • Has Option 1 been removed from recent software releases?

  • It's still present, if the owner has decided to display the information.

    Step 2 often reveals what you are looking for, otherwise some detective work is required, such as looking up a callsign on, or searching for other on-line presences.



  • There's a bug with option 1. Introduced in software release v1.667 and fixed in v1.676 and. I believe it only keeps the email link from working if you are using Firefox.

  • In several situations I have found that the listed email address is dead - maybe it has changed, maybe it never worked.

    I find it very frustrating that it is impossible to reach out to many Kiwi operators, especially if their receiver has effectively been "hijacked" like this one in Doha:

    All Kiwi channels busy. Click button to wait in queue for an available channel.

    To camp (listen) to the audio of an existing connection

    click on one of the channel links below.

    RX0 "(no identity)" (Bandung, Indonesia) 28074.00 kHz lsb z0 12:04:28

    RX1 "(no identity)" (Bandung, Indonesia) 24915.00 kHz usb z11 13:42:51

    RX2 "(no identity)" (Bandung, Indonesia) 24915.00 kHz usb z11 13:42:50

    RX3 "(no identity)" (Bandung, Indonesia) 14074.00 kHz usb z11 4:02:48

    One "listener" has tied up 4 channels for upwards of 13 hours, using two channels to monitor the same frequency. The Kiwi owner almost certainly is unaware.

    Has anyone proposed a solution to this?



  • edited September 22

    Using the second method:

  • Hi Benson

    Thanks but that is the dead email address. I tried a message but gmail returned it as "The email account that you tried to reach does not exist"

    Sadly no way to speak the owner.

  • But I spotted a parallel convesation on the forum that had a couple of neat ideas

  • I have one of these camped on my radio for many hours.

    I really should put a time out on it. ;-)

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