rx.kiwisdr.com now has a search field
For what it's worth, rx.kiwisdr.com (aka kiwisdr.com/public) now has a search field where you can search/filter entries from the list.
Same thing as sdr.hu has (and the last reason I was using sdr.hu). Matches are case-insensitive. Clear the search field to restore all entries.
Good for things like searching for Kiwi's on a particular release ("v1.389") or with a particular feature ("drm", "20 kHz", "gps") or location.
Same thing as sdr.hu has (and the last reason I was using sdr.hu). Matches are case-insensitive. Clear the search field to restore all entries.
Good for things like searching for Kiwi's on a particular release ("v1.389") or with a particular feature ("drm", "20 kHz", "gps") or location.
kiwisdr.com registration status:kiwisdr.com/public registration: successful
What to do in this case?
Has port 8073 been opened on your router and directed to the Kiwi so that incoming connections from the Internet will be received by the Kiwi? Is your Internet provider a cellphone company, or other, that might be blocking incoming connections? If the later we might have to use the Kiwi proxy service to bypass the blocking.
Now http://ua3ahm.ddns.net:8073/status available.
p.s. Nice antenna, WOW! It has great VLF/LF reception too. It is hearing NWC Australia, 19.8 kHz which is pretty astonishing.
There is now a checkbox that says "open in a new tab" i.e. for when a link to a Kiwi is clicked. The checkbox value is saved in a cookie and restored on your next visit. It defaults to "checked/yes" and can also be overridden to "unchecked/no" by including the URL parameter "notab".