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Today been testing the v 1.588 version of FT8 extension for over 10 hours with no stability issues despite heavy load from other users. After about 5 hours, the hash table size stabilized at 98-100% and remained at that level for the rest of the tes…
Have done some long term testing of the FT8 extension in versions 1.586 and 1.587. This has been carried out on 28074 kHz during local daylight hours with plenty of activity. Most of the time the FT8 extension has produced 20-30 decodes in each sequ…
Now also a fourth Alfa transmitter is active. Guess it is the Revda transmitter site located about 500 km from my location. / Mauritz
Thanks, updated to v1.384. Will report when I see this event next time. Mauritz / SM2BYC
Seems that three of the transmitter sites are active: Krasnodar, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. Novosibirsk seems to be transmitting both in slot 3 and 4 on 14.88 kHz. Mauritz / SM2BYC (Image)
OK, Thanks John.
Is it the updating of current antenna selection between different users of the extension which has failed?
I have seen and heard RSDN-20 Khabarovsk many times during the last months. Before that, Novosibirsk was transmitting for a few weeks. Having only one transmitter active makes navigation difficult, so the transmitter is probably used for some other …
Here in northern Sweden, SAQ was very strong. Distance to SAQ transmitter is about 1100 km. Interestingly, SAQ was audible / visible with a weak signal also when the transmitter was in key-up position. Obviously keying relay insulation is a bit poor…
Fixed in v1.246. Thanks to Christoph and John for your hard work.
Martin: Your conclusions sounds very familiar to me. Several years ago when the RTL-SDR was introduced, I managed to destroy a few of these receivers. The root cause seemed to be that in the RTL-SDR, the tuner chip had an analogue and a digital grou…
Might be, but due to my location, most satellites are at low elevation.
G4DYA: Yes I have also observed the same GPS behaviour with Kiwi struggling to acquire sats after running a few hours. I noted this when the TDoA extension was introduced. Best regards Mauritz / SM2BYC
Tested v1.187 a few times and it seems to work without issues. Thanks for the quick fix. Regards Mauritz / SM2BYC
OK thanks. Port 22 now closed.
Tested now by first disabling user connections and then enabling user connections. It survived disabling with no panic but enabling resulted in panic and restart. So it is obviously not 100% repeatable. Port 22 should now be open. Please let me kno…
It has failed at two occasions with v1.186 i.e. first disabling and then enabling user connections at both occasions. Can't test now as there are a couple of users connected. I didn't do a restart, it restarted automatically.
jq '.include_alert_gps' <admin.json gives true as the result.
I was thinking on the 300 kHz beacons as there has been requests for decoders for that band. Regards Mauritz / SM2BYC
Thanks for the clarification. I assume that the next step is to have support for a DGPS decoder. The output from DGPS decoder can then be used improve GPS position accuracy so the kiwiSDR can also be used as a surveying instrument... Regards Mau…
Thanks, seems to be working fine now with v1.178. It did the restart "automatically". Question: as there are now more than 12 satellites available at any time, how are the satellites to be tracked selected? At random, the strongest or tho…
Seems to be extremely unstable. Clicking on almost anything on the GPS tab results in restart/reboot. Regards Mauritz / SM2BYC
Just a "normal" type of GPS antenna similar to those in the Kiwi kits. I found mine in my junk box. It is at least 15 years old but seems to work OK. Had to extend the feed line with about 3 meters of RG58 so I could place the antenna at a…
Well, for some of us, it might be difficult to avoid aiming into the hole with the GPS antenna... Regards Mauritz / SM2BYC (Image)
I have not seen "Undefined", but instead for me it shows the same information for 15, 12 and 10 meter for each 10 second period i.e. they are show to be "in phase". In reality, each beacon transmits for 10 seconds one one band an…
Yes, I have that activated since a couple of days with a 10 hour limit.
Yes, that sounds as a good way to sort this out. I assume that the 10 last changes must be stored separately for each of the four Rx channels as otherwise a single active user would fill all 10 memory positions.
Good to know. Then I'm not the only one with this issue.
This is probably not related with the admin/status issue as I still have problems with the inactivity timer in v1.162.
For me only Rx0 users are listed in the Status tab even if all 4 receivers are busy according to the log tab, i.e Rx1, Rx2 and Rx3 are always empty. Regards Mauritz / SM2BYC