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  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • v1.419,423: added non-NBFM squelch

    v1.419  November 8, 2020
        Added a simple RSSI-based squelch for the non-NBFM modes.
            See audio tab of control panel. Based on Christoph's squelch from kiwirecorder.
    Don't expect too much from this squelch implementation. It's not a VAD or anything. On the audio tab move the squelch slider fully left to disable (default). Two squelch values are stored separately: one for NBFM and another for all other modes (except DRM which doesn't need it).

    For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. There is also a menu of "tail" times -- additional time the squelch is held open before being closed.

    The speaker icon now has a third color, white, indicating the squelch is closed (hence no audio). This in addition to red (muted) and green (squelch open or disabled).
  • User login to bypass time limits

    It will ask after the timeout occurs. This is a problem for people making recordings that don't want the interruption. In that case you can give it in the URL: password=... or pwd=... e.g. the_kiwi:8073/?pwd=...

    See the documentation: http://kiwisdr.com/quickstart/index.html#id-user-tune
  • Obtaining date/time from the Kiwi's GPS [fixed in v1.417]

    v1.417  October 30, 2020
        Allow GPS to set date/time. See admin page, GPS tab, new setting on top bar.
            Defaults to false.
            Before this can happen the GPS-to-UTC correction must be received from the GPS
            navigation message stream. This can take from zero to 12.5 minutes depending on
            the sat page/subframe transmission phase. The date correction has been tested
            using navigation data streams from Navstar, QZSS and Galileo.
            Only one date correction is performed per restart. However the previous constant
            correction of the system time (but not date) whenever it differs more than
            2 seconds from GPS time is still in effect.
        Added FAX extension frequencies for CN stations XSQ and an UNID per forum user Fabrys.

    So in the log you might see something like this which shows a date/time update via PRN-N02 (Navstar) from Oct 25 00:01:40 to Oct 30 04:56:07
    Sun Oct 25 00:01:38 00:01:33.488 ....        GPS/UTC +18 sec
    Sun Oct 25 00:01:40 00:01:35.080 ....      L GPS correcting date: PRN-N02  weeks=2129(81+1024*2) weekSec=449767.5
    Sun Oct 25 00:01:40 00:01:35.081 ....      L GPS correcting date: gps    Fri Oct 30 04:56:07 2020 UTC
    Sun Oct 25 00:01:40 00:01:35.081 ....      L GPS correcting date: system Sun Oct 25 00:01:40 2020 UTC
    Fri Oct 30 04:56:07 00:01:35.089 ....      L GPS correcting date: date/time UPDATED
  • v1.415 release

    v1.415  October 20, 2020
        Admin network tab: added Ethernet MTU selection option of 1440 (default 1500) which
            seems to help some installations using 4G Internet connections.
        Bug fixes:
            Well-known DNS server is always added to end of /etc/resolv.conf file.
            "Photo max height" field can no longer be set blank (which prevented page load).