The KiwiSDR 2 online store is open for orders! Please visit
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KiwiSDR 2: sold out -- please order via and



  • @IZ7HZV No PayPal is available currently.

    Nessun PayPal è disponibile al momento.

  • There are about 20 units remaining for purchase. They can be configured as full systems or board-only as needed.

    In addition we are holding some in reserve for contingencies: Manufacturing attrition, customer support spares, delivery loss, etc. Although we're hoping for little of this.

  • Bit the bullet and ordered the full kit today, order #1231. Didn't see anywhere that mentioned callsign, don't recall being asked that with V1 either. Is it important? Others seem to make mention of it.

    I presume this will be in the first run?

  • @barneyuk I added your call into our system manually. There should be a place for it on the "cart" page. But not everyone goes to their cart. Most just go directly to the checkout page.

    Knowing a customer is a ham with a call helps us because Shopify flags half the orders as fraudulent (hopefully false positives).

  • Oh right, okay.

    Also just to let you know my UK bank refused to process the transaction twice before I convinced them it was a legitimate transaction.

  • Yes, a number of people had this problem. Very common for a new company (KiwiSDR NZ) with no track record. This is the double-edged sword of fraud prevention..

  • Only received the notification the other day and tried to go online now to purchase one of the complete KiwiSDRs and the system said sold out! When are they available again?

    I want to buy one!

  • @TimVK4TIM We don't know exactly. All efforts are going into getting the first run manufactured and delivered. Probably sometime this quarter, but it depends very much on parts procurement issues.

  • @jks Will there be any other way besides the shop app to get tracking once they ship? Evidently that app or some aspect of it is one one of my phone's DNS blacklists.

  • I didn't realize Shopify had some page that does shipment tracking.

    Does Shopify have a page that takes you to order status? I assume this will show the DHL tracking number once our shipping guy enters it. Then you can manually enter that into DHL tracking and skip any Shopify tracking page that you can't access.

  • Yes, it has an order page link that I got saying the order has been processed, with a qr code for the shop app.

    Good to know we'll get tracking there. I just want to make sure I have the fees DHL wants when they show up. Thanks.

  • jksjks
    edited January 7

    Okay, so it's an actual "app" you run on a phone or something? I never use stuff like that. I'm a dinosaur, lol.

  • Yeah, a phone-only meta muncher.

    I'll just wait for the tracking email. 😏

  • A curiosity question here: where are you getting the current and next batches of KiwiSDRs manufactured?

    I used to (17 years ago) work for a company in Auckland the specialises in contract electronic manufacturing for many companies.

    I have no current affiliation with them other than knowing and being in touch with a few of their staff.

  • Is there any pre-order list for the next batch?

  • Not yet. I'm just keeping a list of emails of people interested. I will notify everyone when the store opens for ordering again.

    Do send me an email, because right now we are deciding the size of the second run. We don't want to be building too few..

  • Will do. I've been wanting a KiwiSDR for a few years now and the KiwiSDR 2 seems like it's going to be pretty cool.

  • Thanks! Order placed just a few minutes before. My "ranking" should read: 1497.

    Cool. Google Maps screen on order confirmatiuon shows my location as precisely. Thus all necessary entries had been succesfully double checked as requested by your notification.

    B. regs.

  • Great stuff, I've just ordered one - 1490... I'll sit back and wait to get an email to say it's on the way.

    Shipping to my work address..

    Many thanks for making some more production runs, New Zealand (Auckland) made too!

  • It is sold out right at the moment when I am ready to make an order. I hope that the next batch will be available soon.

  • jksjks
    edited April 19

    We have shipped hundreds now to ML&S (UK) and WiMo (DE) So consider ordering from them. Check if they will ship to your region and the cost.

  • 😀I ordered my Kiwi-2 from Wimo, everything went smoothly. It's now up and running.

    73 Costas SV1XV

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