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HOWTO: use the "owner info" and "additional HTML" fields on Admin/Webpage Tab

Visiting other systems, I see lots of useful adds that are done in that config area. How about sharing some of your work here?


  • edited March 2022

    An interesting topic, so maybe I'll start.

    Time widget at the top of the page (used to be a separate topic in the forum) useful and free.

    You open the website of the time service provider

    You choose what is to be displayed according to the scheme given on the website and paste Owner info in the line.

    For an individual look, I used the icons from which are not in the link generated by

    For my location, it looks like this:

    <center> <a href="" id="time_is_link" rel="nofollow" style="font-size:13px;color:black;background:gainsboro"> Plonsk SDR 🅰️ </a> <span id = "_ z733" style = "font-size: 13px; color: black; background: gainsboro"> </span> <script src = "// .js "> </script> <script> time_is_widget.init ({_ z733: {id:" PE? oE? sk_z733 ", template:" TIME DATE SUN ", date_format:" daynum / monthnum / year ", sun_format:" 🌅 srhour: srminute-sshour: ssminute 🌇 dlhoursh☀️dlminutesmin ", coords:" 52.6234800,20.3755200 "}}); </script> </center>


    One more thing, this script is not visible on smartphones, if you want it to be visible, paste it in the window Additional HTML/Javascript for HTML but the screen will move 13 pixels to the bottom in this case

  • edited March 2022

    I have Chatango running on my receivers. Code gets added to the Additional HTML/Javascript for HTML section. Allows users across all my Kiwis to chat and allows me to send administration messages as well.

  • jksjks
    edited March 2022

    In the title of this thread I changed "user config window" to "owner info field". There is nothing called a user config window and this confused me greatly until read what Artur was talking about.

    This field is not visible on small screens with narrow width. All the elements on the top bar don't fit on a narrow screen so some of them are not rendered. The owner field is eliminated first, then the name/callsign field, then the time/OpenWebRx block leaving only the left-most info block.

    You can see this in action by using the screen zoom function of your browser to simulate a narrow screen. A better solution is needed as part of proper mobile support (someday).

  • this was the area I was referring to...

  • Well, that's not called the "user config window" either. And what Artur's reply was referring to was the owner info field. Both of those can be used to add HTML and/or Javascript customizations to the user connection page.

  • now I can't remember what I called it in the subject of my original post! :-) Thanks for the clarification.

  • @WA2ZKD Thanks for this interesting topic. I am constantly amazed when I run across something clever that a Kiwi owner/admin has implemented.

  • The Website tab gives us a lot of options when it comes to individual needs, and that's a good thing. You just have to be careful about the correctness of the HTML code, I forgot about the parentheses once and Kiwi did not want to take off.

    Coming back to the topic of the appearance of other websites: I also use an interesting script sent by rz3dvp from the Christmas Kiwi theme, changing the avatar, I also saw a lot of nice websites but still didn't get the optical fiber with public IP and had to give up many things.

    Still, there are still very few people willing to share their ideas, which is a pity because there might be a large chapter about it.

  • Yes, I was hoping people might post some code snippets

  • edited March 2022

    Changing the Kiwi logo in the top left corner , hidden band bar, transparent toolbar.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ 
    document.querySelectorAll("#id-left-logo").forEach(function(item) {
    item.src = "";
    // Hide Band bar
    document.getElementById("id-band-canvas").style.display = "none"; 
    document.getElementById("id-dx-container") = '0';
    document.getElementById("id-band-container").style.height = '80px';
    //Transparent toolbar
    document.getElementById("id-control").style.opacity = "0.75";

    Large scripts are conveniently placed outside. For example, on Google Drive or on KiwiSDR itself. On the "additional HTML" tab, it is enough to write only one line with a link. For example:

    <script src="http://your.kiwisdr:8073/config/script.js"></script>
  • edited February 2023

    with the URL as shown, you have put script.js in the /root/kiwi.config directory.

    there is no need for the protocol and IP address in the URL, and in fact it will likely work better for everyone (LAN or WAN) if instead you did:

    <script src="config/script.js"></script>
  • edited February 2023

    i have added one of the N0NBH solar data infographics to my KiwiSDR top bar. the code snippet suggested by N0NBH is added to the "Owner info" in Webpage. i have not yet worked out how to fix the location photo captioning and scroll down/up effect, but it is "good enough" for now.

    i created a javascript file make-room-for-solardata.js , placed it in /root/kiwi.config , and referenced in "Additional HTML".

    the file contains (do not put the <script ..></script> stanza in the file):

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
      document.getElementById("id-top-bar").style.height = '210px';
      document.getElementById("id-top-container").style.height = '210px';
      document.getElementById("id-top-bar-background").style.height = '210px';
      document.getElementById("id-top-photo-spacer").style.height = '210px';

    i note 210px is only slightly taller than the spectrum display (when selected).

    i suspect it is possible to elide the file open()+read() by directly placing the javascript inside a <script ..></script> stanza in "Additional HTML".

  • edited June 2023

    I tried to put this in but it messes up the top format a bit

    <div><object data=""></object></div>

  • The defaults used for that <pre> you send over are not optimal. So just style it a little on the Kiwi side. I couldn't get rid of the vertical scrollbar using a height less than 42px

    <object data="" style="width:500px; height:42px"></object>

  • Thanks, I changed the stuff on the server that creates that info and then added

    <object data="" style="width:500px; height:42px"></object>

  • Try to change sizes of div, not object:

    <div style="width:800px; height:20px;position:relative;top:-15px"><object data=""></object></div>

  • Thanks..... after making some changes on the data server I refined it to

    <div style="width:800px; height:30px;position:relative;top:1px"><object data=""></object></div>

  • It'd be nice if I could figure out how to replace the Owner Info with it

  • Its very easy!

  • edited June 2023

    I thought it might bre but my first attempt retained all the tags I had used with the other method

  • I fixed up the server data and think the result looks quite nice

  • Try to change sizes of div, not object

    Thanks for that. I had a difficult time trying to understand what was happening.

  • I also couldn't understand the properties of this "object" for a long time until I placed it inside <div></div>. After that, it is subject to any transformation.

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