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SuperSDR 3.0 release



  • edited February 2022

    Hi Marco,

    Upon closer inspection today i do see that moving to the bottom of the display the readability becomes normal, so then it points to a LED monitor issue in my particular case.

    It might be an idea to cater for different monitor and graphics settings by having a key option in a future SuperSDR release, that steps through a couple of different color / font schemes to see which fits best readability for a particular set-up.

    73 Ben

  • Hi Marco,

    I'm a bit confused about the DX cluster function.

    The EiBi tags appear as expected, but when I select DX cluster, I get a callsign entry box and no tags on the waterfall.

    Sometimes the DX cluster indication appears at the bottom of the GUI and other times it does not. I think that the IARU amateur beacon markers display OK, but I've yet to see any other stations that are listed on the DX cluster show up.

    I think this is simply my misunderstanding of what the DX cluster feature is intended to do, and would appreciate some further guidance.



  • Martin,

    the DX cluster accumulates spots starting from an empty list. DX spots appear only when zoomed in. If you go to 20m CW or SSB with a span of about in about 1 minute you should be seeing spots being added. This is for me on 40m with about 500kHz span after 2 minutes.

  • Thanks for this Marco. In case others want to run it on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, I had to install one python package and upgrade another:

    $ python3 -m pip install sounddevice

    $ python3 -m pip install pygame --upgrade

  • Hi Marco,

    OK it's working now.

    I didn't realise that I had to enter my own callsign in the DX Cluster box, before it would log in and retrieve the spots. I think I must have accidentally entered some other characters, when I previously got it to work on one occasion.

    The next test is to try and get the CAT interface working properly, but it all looks very promising so far.

    Thanks for your hard work, it is appreciated.


  • Thanks Richard and Martin!

    It's a pleasure to see that it can be useful at least for a few people.


  • Marco...

    I too am enjoying "SSDR" and thanks for much for your efforts.

  • edited February 2022

    Hi everybody,

    I'm continuing to improve the software at a quite fast pace. Has any of you tried the CAT connection with a real transceiver? I'm really interested to know how it works with others radios! I have just the TS-590 here... Now that there is the integrated logging stuff, it's even more useful. Try it ;)

    There is now a v3.11 release with so many improvements and new features that I won't write them here, just read them on github:

    The Win exe will be ready in a day or two, depending on the friend of mine doing that.


    marco / IS0KYB

  • Hi. Translated by google :-)

    Very interesting software. I'm going to test it today on my KIWI - windows version. I would like to connect a Kenwood TS-2000 and an N1MM spectrum display. Can SUPERSDR send IQ audio to a virtual sound card?

    I wish you relaxing days Tonda :-)


  • Hi Tonda,

    thanks for the test. At this point I haven't implemented the IQ audio yet. I don't think it would be too difficult, I just didn't need it. I'll keep you updated if I do.

    In the meantime I've added tons of new stuff and fixed several bugs, especially related to the dual RX and to the CAT synchronization.

    I'm sorry that the friend of mine doing the Windows executables is a bit lazy lately... you'll have to install it from the source. Always use the dev branch on git if you want it fresh :-D


    marco IS0KYB

  • Hi @marcogoni, how I can configure your software for connect to KiwiSDR with downconverter to see correct frequency?

  • You basically would like a frequency offset?

  • Yes, when I was try connect to, for example, I see HF frequency but really it's Air-band.

    Maybe ask @jks about add "Frequency scale offset" to KiwiSDR status page for use it automatically?

  • I don't see anything related to the downconverter frequency in the Kiwi preamble:

    bytearray(b'MSG is_multi_core')

    bytearray(b'MSG rx_chans=4')

    bytearray(b'MSG chan_no_pwd=0')

    bytearray(b'MSG chan_no_pwd_true=0')

    bytearray(b'MSG max_camp=4')

    bytearray(b'MSG badp=0')

    bytearray(b'MSG version_maj=1 version_min=494 debian_ver=10')

    bytearray(b'MSG center_freq=21000000 bandwidth=42000000 adc_clk_nom=125000000')

    bytearray(b'MSG kiwi_up=1 rx_chan=1')

    bytearray(b'MSG extint_list_json=%5b%22colormap%22,%22cw_decoder%22,%22devl%22,%22DRM%22,%22FFT%22,%22fsk%22,%22HFDL%22,%22IBP_scan%22,%22iframe%22,%22iq_display%22,%22loran_c%22,%22navtex%22,%22noise_blank%22,%22noise_filter%22,%22prefs%22,%22sig_gen%22,%22S_meter%22,%22SSTV%22,%22TDoA%22,%22timecode%22,%22waterfall%22,%22wspr%22%5d')

    bytearray(b'MSG wf_fft_size=1024 wf_fps=23 wf_fps_max=23 zoom_max=14 rx_chans=4 wf_chans=4 wf_chans_real=4 wf_setup')

    bytearray(b'MSG zoom=8 start=7908448')

    bytearray(b'MSG wf_fps=23')

    bytearray(b'MSG request_dx_update')

  • The sound web socket stream should be sent a "MSG load_cfg=<JSON cfg>" and in the JSON cfg should be a configuration parameter "freq_offset" that has the offset value in Hz.

  • Maybe add this parameter to /status page too? Of course not a lot KiwiSDR have downconverter but it's one of the main RX parameter. :)

  • just did a git pull... latest seems less stable. will send crash log

  • Thanks John @jks , but I don't get it: How do I know, from the client side, what's the offset freq value? In the sound web socket stream there is nothing about it.

    Jim, thanks for the crash report but I don't know the context... did you see that happening once or every time? Which version where you using? Does your kiwi have special configuration?


  • OK, now there is the freq_offset in the status page, thanks again.

  • I simply had app ruuning on a 3CH local kiwi and after a minute it crashed

  • edited March 2022

    It would be so great if some day SuperSDR is going to support ELAD TM-2 (formerly Wooboxradio TMATE-2) controller device. Roughly explained, it gives back the good old knob-style user interface for the most important controls like VFO freq, volume and filters.

    It is a great piece of hardware but suffering narrow support of SDR-applications (number of them).

    There is a Windows SDK available:

    73, Jukka

  • No Jukka,

    sorry, but I really don't want to support niche devices.

    I develop supersdr just because I use it a lot myself and for my kind of operation is better than John's original general purpose interface.

    I find very efficient to use the keyboard arrows with SHIFT and CONTROL to increase and decrease the step by a 10x factor. When I want the analog feel, I just use the VFO of the real radio and it's absolutely perfect. The mouse gets rarely used here since the software was developed to avoid it almost entirely.

    Hey guys, no one gave me a report about the CAT functionality! Come on! ;-)

    You just have to run the rigctld command...

  • edited March 2022

    Hey guys, no one gave me a report about the CAT functionality! Come on! ;-)

    I'm planning to try it with my old-but-beloved Yaesu FT-890 and have already ordered a hopefully-suitable CAT cable (I've never ever used the CAT interface before).

    And I'm still waiting for the actual windows binary of SuperSDR, because I have no experience how to self-build it from source.

    So it may still take some time, but I will give feedback. Promised.

  • I just uploaded a new release v3.12, for those not using git and following the development process.

    Hope to upload the windows version later this evening.

    I have still to update the Help text to catch all new stuff:

    • SHIFT + 1/2: change AGC decay constant time (the value, in seconds, is also visible in the S-meter)
    • 4: enable/disable filling the spectrum plot
    • 5/6: pan audio from left to right for MAIN RX

    Now the software should support 3CH Kiwis with wideband channels and kiwis with downconverters as requested.

    Please remember to change the qrz_settings.cfg if you want to use the data lookup for the Log.


  • OK, just uploaded the Windows executable:

    Please test it throughly because I cannot use it.

  • Thank you very much!

    First quick functional test (standalone, without CAT): basically it seems to work under windows right away.

  • Excellent! Thank you for the report!

  • Great additions Marco.

    I'm using the Windows version, and the resolution on the waterfall and spectrum scope is excellent.

    I just wish it was possible to display it as a full screen, as my old eyes are struggling, even when wearing my strongest spectacles.

    Thanks for your hard work.


  • Hi Martin,

    thanks for the comments.

    You can run supersdr in fullscreen mode now, it's a bit experimental and you should enable it via command line. You have to use the option -l 1680 if you want a window 1680 pixel wide. If you have a full hd monitor you may try the true fullscreen by entering -l 1920

    The feature is implemented by smoothly rescaling just the spectrum and the waterfall, exactly as John does on the web client. Or something quite similar. Text size is the same as the original 1024 window, so if the font is too small, there isn't a way to increase it at the moment.


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