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V 1.395 removing references to

On the stats tab there is a message saying "Try other kiwis on". I removed this according to jpe's post on Mar 21. Quoted below. Now showing sunrise sunset times.

"Displaying sunrise and sunset times at your Kiwi QTH in your Kiwi UI

March 21 edited March 21 in KiwiSDR Configuration and Operation
If you wish to show the sunrise and sunset times at the location of your Kiwi SDR, please remove all code in the “Status” field under the “Webpage” tab in the Admin interface, and replace it with the following HTML code:

In the example above, the “la” or the LATITUDE parameter in the URL is set to zero, as is the “lo” or the LONGITUDE parameter. You must set them to those of your QTH. Please note that southern latitudes are negative numbers as are western longitudes.

The sunrise and sunset times are all in UTC

73 Jari OH6BG "


  • On the stats tab there is a message saying "Try other kiwis on"
    Yes, I can't change this in an update because it is part of your configuration (/root/kiwi.config) not the software distro (/root/Beagle_SDR_GPS). I'm not going to attempt to write a script that risks corrupting the configuration of every Kiwi on the planet.
  • Looks like the default gets updated as part of the software update.
    I had edited one webpage tab and that was still pointing at the old address but others have been corrected without effort from me.

    Good reminder to check so thanks.
    I'll see where else I may have left old info.

  • No. If the configuration files are ever missing in kiwi.config they are copied from the defaults in the distro. They are never touched after that (unless removed). This is because you can't tell from that point if they have been modified by the admin/owner. So for the vast majority of Kiwis the files in kiwi.config are those copied during the very first startup of v1.2 in the factory. There was a slight format change to the files in a later version but that's a different story.
  • edited June 2020
    Got it, by the way could not see your comment when I posted mine.

    -while checking-
    One residual instance on the public tab
    "e.g. when set to 0 and 30000 shows "HF""
  • jksjks
    edited June 2020
    Thank you. Missed that one.

    This forum software is weird/unreliable. On my end your post has a timestamp and hour later than it should.
  • Another suggestion: Maybe the link to in the upper right corner (which will be redirected to should be by occasion changed to the openwebrx github presence instead.
  • One more location where is seen:

    In /var/log/messages on daemon start, I get this line:

    Jun 12 14:39:37 wikipi-2 kiwid: 00:00:07.455 ........ TIMEZONE: lat/lon from config: (52.660000, -8.550000)

    Though you might like to know.
    (I'm running this on a Pi3, if that's any relevance)
  • Thanks.
  • Another reference to (seen in 1.403): stats tab, first line.
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