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Caribbean Emergency Weather Net (CEWN)

Amateur radio operators are providing emergency communications in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

7.188 and 3.815 MHz LSB

This is mainly health and welfare information - family members and friends asking about each other.

At one point, I could hear both the Puerto Rican station and the US station who were having great difficulty hearing each other. Surprisingly there was no other ham on the frequency to help.

I was listening via a Florida Kiwi, half way between the two. It strikes me that the availability of these receivers to ARES operators to assist in relaying messages would be important.

If that did become the case, there would be a need for a priority operator to be able to kick casual listeners off in order to use a receiver. I am not sure if John has considered these kinds of protocols, but it may be time to start thinking about how that might work.

The new propagation display on the VE3SUN list makes it easy to find stations with good propagation on the needed frequency. but there are some bugs to iron out still :)



  • edited September 2017

    I think that's easy to fix. Just get the Admin to set the SDR security password protection to a suitable number of private receivers  (0-4) as required.

    The timeout can also be disabled so that the SDR browser session keeps running when being used for monitoring over a long period of time and there is no user activity to keep it alive.


    Martin - G8JNJ
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