The KiwiSDR 2 online store is open for orders! Please visit
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  • Hi,

    I notice they don't disclose any real specification or key performance indicators such as P1dBoutput, OIP2 & OIP3 which is a real pity :-(


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • I have Wellbrook loops, Pixel loops, Clifton whips etc. that I could compare one to. May get one and try that.
  • I ordered an MFJ today so can report soon
  • I am very much looking forward to you're results.  I'm building a new Kiwi station so I'm looking for an antenna.
  • Just got ours today, report soon

  • So how is the testing of the MFJ-1886 going? I'm thinking about ordering one.
    Ron - KA7U
  • I guess I merged that into this

    WX here has prevented much more than the intial impressions, which was that it OK
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